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Everything posted by BeastMaster

  1. Some of these guys are definitely on the take, and some of them take instruction from the league on what they want the outcome to be. Some like Boger have ties to teams (Pats) which should absolutely not happen. And it's all hidden/excused because of the many excuses like I've seen in this thread. "It's a tough job" , "there may be pre conceived notions going into the game", yadda, yadda. Keep brushing it off as simply mistakes or whatnot. That's why it continues on. When Dallas gets two tripping penalties in Foxboro (one on the potential GW drive and 3rd down conversion) and we can clearly see nothing has happened, it's obviously way more than a simple mistake. The hands calls on Tre White early on were to make sure Buffalo didn't get physical with their star WR. Meanwhile in NE, Gilmore shuts down Cooper because he can play him physically which takes him out of his game. Get real, folks! The money involved here makes it too much for people of power not to have their hands in it...just like anything else. Or it that conspiracy too?
  2. Not a single one. They pissed me off with every single crap call they made and I maintain the same level of hatred I had for them before this. We all figured after the boys got jobbed at NE that this would happen, but it's truly disgusting when you can basically call this crap ahead of time. Fuk da refs!
  3. Masterful performance. He was in complete command, and delivered when it was needed. Displayed poise, toughness, leadership, accuracy, and imposed his will. I need not say anything else
  4. Both networks all picked the Cowpies to win. Just a great time for this team to put out a game like this! Well done, Buffalo Bills!
  5. That's where I'm at. We've seen this before for the most part. Jackson is Mike Vick reincarnate. Vick changed the game and had people going nuts over what he could do, but It never resulted in the ultimate success. Jackson could be different...I'm not gonna say what he can or cannot be since nobody truly knows. What I do know is that there is a formula to neutralize him. Everyone gets figured out and the guys who rely on their legs more than their passing ability tend to get figured out much easier, and then when they get hurt or lose some of their physical ability, they fade away. I'm still of the belief that the most cerebral QB's are the one's that prove to ultimately be the toughest to play against and that they end up having the most success and longevity.
  6. He's correct. Jackson is making simple throws right now. It's very much like the Tyrod offense with Roman. For you to deny it is foolish. Jackson is better and more explosive, but what he's doing isn't groundbreaking stuff...at least not in the passing game. Tyrod was scared to try and elevate his game beyond the simple reads and throws. We have no idea yet what Jackson will be, but it should be interesting to watch.
  7. This game terrifies me, as I think Baltimore is scaring everyone right now. What I do like is we have 10 days to prepare for a home game where the elements may play a factor. I also like that we have the personnel and a group that's been together to at least take away the passing game. It's gonna take our offense showing up and keeping Baltimore off the field to really have a shot, but I feel pretty good about that side of the ball now. Definitely not thrilled for this game, but it will be a real good test of what this team can or can't do.
  8. It's time to bring the NFL and it's corruption to light. Expose the league for not being about competition and the better team winning. If enough people pick up on it and it draws enough attention, the NFL would be forced to change or become irrelevant. Also another reason why I scoff at the Brady is GOAT and the Patriots are the greatest dynasty. I'll never accept those things with all the scandal and cheating involved. Belichek is another story
  9. I think we need to mix it up with the DE/OLB so on pass plays, they can drop into coverage over the middle (Jackson's bread and butter). Attack and collapse the pocket when you can. I'm taking away the middle of the field throws. The TE's are decent, but I think we can defend them. The other major key is obviously this offense pulling their weight and not having the defense worn out. Get some points and maintain drives. It won't be easy because Jackson can still wreck the game with his running even if you do everything right, but at least you have taken away what you can.
  10. I despised Jauron and that era of Bills football more than any other
  11. Agree 100% At least give Gore a week to just try and get fresh and let Yeldon get a week to see how he performs. I also think he's a decent back with good receiving skills, and would be more impactful than Gore.
  12. We lost to the Browns who.have been awful all season. Yes...I feel terrible, and this coaching staff should be ashamed of themselves for this loss.
  13. Gotta agree. Allen didn't fail today...he delivered under constant pressure and no run game. The coaching sucked today. Defense surrendered a TD drive after Allen got them a 4pt lead. Kicker missed two field goals that Allen had nice drives to get within range. People harp on the deep ball too much. It's a low percentage play that doesn't hit all that often. I'd like to see it hit , but it's not the end all be all that many make it to be. I also think he's still working on it and it will come around.
  14. Right, but if the QB simply holds the ball out and let's it go in the players hands, it may not be going forward. I can't say for certain that it was, and I don't think the refs could determine it either, but they did overturn the call. Not as cut and dry as some are making it
  15. He drew a PI early on with a deep ball. The ridiculousness of posters throwing a hussy fit over the deep ba today are ignoring a litany of other issues much higher up in concern and what cost us the game.
  16. I don't know either. He was under constant pressure, and he made good throws when he got time. Got a PI on a deep ball, didn't turn the ball over, and ran for two scores along with drives that the kicker couldn't finish with points. Ridiculous the amount of criticism this kid is getting
  17. I have the same belief, sir. This kids flaws are being hidden well, right now...just like how Tyrod was all the rage for awhile. He's dangerous with his legs, for sure. But I can definitely see him getting figured out. And his style of play may get him carted off the field sooner than later.
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