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Everything posted by PaoloBillsFanFromItaly

  1. I will be more interested in Safety Class of next draft
  2. There was also on YouTube some comments by a woman (if I remember correctly) "mocking" the Bills because the pick didn't make any sense from the stats point of view. If someone has a link, I cannot find it anymore...
  3. So when defense plays well we win, when defense play awful we lose, what a surprise...
  4. 12 teams formula was way better
  5. All the talking about this play or that play, defense was not prepared to play against KC.
  6. We simply missed too many tackles and gap assignment in defense. Silly to point out some specific play (they happen all the time...)
  7. Defense got crushed all night, only one stop, two with the lucky touchback. No pressure on Mahomes and poor tackling, secondary looked ok, but was not enough. Offense did enough to win.
  8. Thery are not stealing any possession, if they finish the hal with the ball it means drives were the same for each team. They will be able to make the steal in the 2nd half.
  9. There was no fake slide by Allen, but there is a point, the defender is often in a lose-lose situation when attempting to takle a QB. When Josh slowed, for sure the defenders processed "ok, he MAY slide", in that case, I could not takle him. This decision could lead to a split-second indecision and Josh is gone. I would call a late-hit on the QB only if it is blatant. In my opinion the one called on Prescott on 3&2 must be a no-call, the one on Josh is borderline.
  10. It depends whether Von will drink or not
  11. Commercials during NFL games are way too many.
  12. Also Tre White seems always a step behind...
  13. It seems to me that White is always a step behind
  14. From Italy here, commercials are broadcasted too...
  15. I absolutely didn't like how he handled the deflate gate. Not because he did it, because he never admitted. He threw the equipment guy under the bus, destroyed the proofs on his phone... If he confessed that, not a big deal.
  16. As I was saying, WRs always get away... When Tre try to "hold back" he is called for DPI
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