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Everything posted by Dukestreetking

  1. Accidentally came across this...read entire thread and don't think it's been posted: Great Colt McCoy breakdown of why Bills O is so dangerous in the RedZone. Definitely worth the 20 min.
  2. On point. Watched him very carefully at ND. Unreal physical talent. But he has ZERO fight. Won't block, won't help, won't care. During the draft, I thought anyone who picks him early is freaking d-u-m-b, dumb, like in box of rocks dumb. And yet the cycle of stupidity continues. As @Alphadawg7 aptly put it, he is "effort cancer". I may be overblowing my perspective but, frankly: I absolutely despise these types of players.
  3. Out: Nobody at Finheaven believes the obvious Troll. In: Meh, some Finheaven posters kinda want to believe it.
  4. Ok, I must be totally out of it: Bills Jesus? Hope nobody's offended, but I think it's pretty funny. When did that/he become a thing? Is it a thing?
  5. This should read "seriously". Damn, I get so offended when people get this wrong. PLEASE APOLOGIZE. [umm, for those in the back, this is @boyst themed sarcasm]
  6. Thanks for heads up. Corrected original post.
  7. Whoa. See also, btw, on GD touchdown: Kinkaid accidentally dumps Murray, ass-over-teakettle, as they cross routes. Gotta clean that up boys.
  8. Thanks OP... really appreciate your write-ups. Morphology observation re OCT, all-22, end-zone view: in stance, I can't believe how friggin' wide he is, hip-to-hip! Hell, he must have the stability of a goddam Saturn V on the pad: center of gravity perfectly above center of pressure, with a nice L/D ratio (that's, uhhh, rocket humor). Hell, he's so wide I'm surprised there's physical space for him on the line. //end sideways observation
  9. Very solid work @corta765. Perfect example of why TBD is a "See You in January" fan forum.
  10. Happy. Two items: 1--digging Alec Anderson recognition, but no love for Q85? Re-watch to see what I mean. 2--I'm a huge proponent of HI strength training. It shows in KB's body morph. But...ehhh, maybe a little cardio might help.
  11. Not sure about next 6-7 games but... It's never too early to complain* about the next opponent's fan forum: https://www.duvalpride.com/showthread.php?tid=38774 *actually, pretty good over there w Jags fans
  12. CC rarely fights: for the ball, position, on a block. He's one of those...
  13. Since Jests, Allen: 10 ToTDs, 1 TO. That's all I have to say about that.
  14. In a nutshell: "Fire fu&&ing Fangio!!"
  15. Following GDTs here and Finheaven. Obviously, I'm going to have an epileptic seizure.
  16. I'll simply quote the words of John Matuszak, as O.W. in North Dallas Forty: "Let's go kill those c*cksuckers!!"
  17. Ok, fair enough, copy all. I've spent a lot of time in Russia and Ukraine. Vodka is a helluva drug. Somalia: kat is a helluva drug. Hell, even in Iraq and Afghanistan, the sh*tbags would trip on atropine. Helluva drug. Etc. My belabored point--and there is one!--is that if a fan reads the whole thread, it's not particularly egregious. Now, chiefsplanet: F*ck them.
  18. Agree. Just for S&G I went over there to check out the thread. Nothing you wouldn't expect to see here, although I would say TBD rates higher on the Xs and Os analysis.
  19. Really well written, btw.
  20. I thanked your post, so all good. But: there's literally a Finheaven thread titled "Happy Memory from Sh*t Town", ref Buffalo. I request--nay, demand--you take personal responsibility for this atrocity, and apologize forthwith.
  21. omf, you're getting especially salty in, well, your old(er) age! [just messing with you brother]
  22. I am always open to criticism Hit, whatever the topic. The post was more about the, umm, interesting sartorial choice. And, btw: if, in some time warp world, Taylor would have me, I'd more than brag. I'm getting older, but I ain't THAT old.
  23. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care... but, oy vey:
  24. Agree w OP, and also a bit worried about Po. However, suggest you watch the Cov1 breakdown: Poyer still has good positional "flow" within the defensive scheme. That is, he's where he should be pre- and post-snap, which often involved alot of assignment hand-offs and movement ("poetic", to borrow C1's term).
  25. Tone and timbre (during his good years) I give to Murph; football knowledge to Brownie. Combine the two, and we'd have ourselves a decent PBP guy.
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