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Everything posted by Dukestreetking

  1. Jeez-usss H, I'm so freaking jaded: The mere publication of O-line snap stats (healthy/available) has me worried that the train is headed towards Jinx Junction. Someone talk me off the ledge.
  2. Mason Freaking Rudolph for 193 and 1. Things CANNOT get any weirder this year.
  3. Two Christmas parties to attend first, then game at my friend's house...a well-known WNY restauranter and rabid, crazy-ass Bills fan. So: I anticipate being rather drunk, well-fed...and "choosing violence".
  4. @Process My laugh emoji is not sarcastic. For your line: "They've had a horseshoe up their butts last two weeks." Very funny brother. Here's the Christmas card I'm sending to Pitt, in support of The Cause(tm). Maybe some of our Sandboxers will get it:
  5. All credit to an earlier poster who wrote: "Easton Stick is the evil twin of Western Twig." Very funny; sorry I can't find original.
  6. Did not return to game, per AP report.
  7. National media has totally whiffed on the emergence of Cook.
  8. I wonder if it's a take on FEAB9, an old saying (in my business): "F 'em all but Nine: 6 to carry, 2 for road guard, and 1 to count cadence."
  9. Sorry, just hopping onto thread... Jests are presently on a 16yards/quarter heater. Wtfo? Is that even possible?
  10. Thanks for this. O/T: holy shiite, Kurt looks like he's had additional...ummm, surgery. Plus, the make-up lady needs a little more "former QB" and a little less "Little Richard".
  11. Levis is yoked. Ramsey sucks. That's all I got.
  12. I blame Maddy Glab.
  13. Good on 'ya for soundness expressed here. Riddle me this: just checked out ChiefsPlanet, expecting the usual absurdities. But, the Bills thread is generally, almost, damn near, pretty much...sane. Wtf is going on over there, and where have you hidden the real Chiefs fans?? [same comment and question to you @Zerovoltz]
  14. Aside: looking up TL injury status... ESPN tells me JA has current, longest start-streak at 83 games (!), well ahead of Herbert at 61. Yet another note to add to The No Ring Blues.
  15. ...and this is literally the first time I've ever looked at comments in my 2-yr IG tenure (I'm old-isher, but not like @oldmanfan old). So, ya know, there's that.
  16. This is a scandal, a monstrous scandal I assert!! 14, 13, Po, Q, Kittle, Morris, Matakevich, others...Maddy Glab, too (huh?). All IG-ups. But who's missing? No 17. Not in proposal pics, IG. Nowhere. Clearly JA and Dawson have broken up. Alert Stephen A and Nick. The Buffalo house is broken!
  17. Following on @Scott7975comments and others... Given today's play, I'm beyond astonished that Bills currently sit outside the playoff picture. Broncos??? We lost to the Fu**ing Broncos. Scott said "catastrophe". I'll go further and call it....criminal. Rant ends.
  18. I won't quote you fully but, ultimately, this is the place to be, at this moment imv. [Side note, in case of haters: a few years ago, I took some a**hole down--with extreme prejudice--after I personally witnessed him punching a woman. Held him until LEO arrived] This moment: the dynamics don't look good for VM...but we should wait until a fulsome, comprehensive, unfiltered understanding of events is available. We'll probably come short of that ideal, but the public is not close enough, yet. Am I leaning towards the view that 40 is DV culpable? Yes, in my heart. But, rationally, we must await the full fact pattern, no matter how frustrating that may be. Just a week ago, some reached a way-too-quick judgement on a weird event in NF. I counseled, at the time, to wait for facts, as initial reporting is rarely "truth". The same applies in this case.
  19. In short, yes. Texas has a carve-out, DV statute for this particular instance. Not a guess. Statute language quoted extensively up-thread.
  20. Despite JT's (small) critiques noted above, his analysis comes down to this money quote, found a few minutes in: "...this might be the best [QB] performance I've reviewed all year." Not bad, 17.
  21. Agree, but that's why I was very careful in verbiage. Moreover, if we talk about the Kelce penalties, in fairness we must include the D "forcing" 2 incompletions (err, a sack?) and a 3-yd run in the last 3 non-penalty downs.
  22. I'll bite, and get flamed... Philly: 1:52, down 3, but with 2TOs, and (very?) good QB/O. That's a layup in modern NFL. Result: no TD, no gimme FG. Instead, they have to rely on a 20%, 59-yd attempt in awful weather conditions. Yes, I would've loved for the D to force a TO on downs or otherwise. But, regardless of circumstances, and on this particular high-leverage series, I would consider this a "stop" or damn near it. Put it this way: at 1:52, if you would've told me I could have that non-ST result (again, irrespective of play sequence), I'd say "ok, I'll take that chance". Btw: I'm not/not talking about the more general--and obvious--problem of late-game D failures.
  23. Follow on to good discussion re Rec, YPC, growth by Beas to get above 10y/rec, etc (Bado, Sammy, Motor, others). Bottom line: DK very solid growth trend, games 1-5 vs 6-10: Rec, Tgt, TD, FD, Yds, YPC 1-5 = 17-21-0-4-118-6.94 6-10 = 34-39-2-17-318-9.35 Nearly all advanced metrics reflect above (noting, again, that I realize other variables involved) Nevertheless, he's a problem. Now.
  24. Honestly, I've never been sold on Dak. He's a minus-JA: at times he's great, good, not so good..but he lacks The Special (TM) to really get you there. 17 has "it", but I don't think DP does. Don't know why. Two cents.
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