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Everything posted by Dukestreetking

  1. Actually, interesting question...my impression is reduced. Follow-up: what changed and what does it mean (aside from the obvious, for the pedantics out there). Sorry, no answers, only more questions... I'm a Miyagi-do wanna be.
  2. Perfect. Another 34 pages of back and forth b/n us, followed by angry replies from yours truly. Mayhem, murder all about. (Yes, I'm picking up your sarc)
  3. Same. Thanks for taking the time and effort... regardless of whether there's agreement on this or that point.
  4. Transient: normally I get nuance, but I suppose it was my day just to fly off the handle. Anyway, same sentiment back to you and yours. Respectfully, Dsk
  5. Fair enough re "adults" comment. For that I apologise. We are sometimes too quick on the trigger. In return, I suggest calling someone a cartoon character (someone you don't know) might also require some reflection, if only for better situational awareness. Now...I'm going to rely on oldmanfan and balln for my updates. (N.B., "we" means those who've probably been down-range for too long.)
  6. Huh? I was not replying to you or in any way being disrespectful. If you see my reply, I was asking for your insight. More generally, across this entire thread, I've been extremely careful in NOT saying I--or anyone--could diagnose from afar.
  7. Roger. You can look up (I don't remember off hand), which specific tissue gets metabolic nutritious blood flow (aka, innervation). I'd be sincerely interested in your views, as your insight would be well past my own.
  8. Ok, I'm going to try to be kind-of-nice in this response. But wtf, over? I've made perfectly clear where I am on this issue. And you compare me to some Simpsons character? A quack Doc, no less. In case you haven't guessed, I've gotten a little med cross-training. That's what happens when you've been f***ing fighting in war zones--did you know we have those?--for 17 years. So, crawl back in your safe space little one, and let the goddamn adults handle the bad guys...and this discussion.
  9. This is why I don't think it's ACL/season ending. For all reasons stated above, and b/c it looked like they were doing a "McMurray test" on sidelines, which is for meniscus, not ACL. IF it is meniscus-related (I don't know that) the short answer: diagnosis known quickly, but prognosis is...well, tricky.
  10. Damn, I promised no further replies but--unfortunately as suspected--it is a knee (not further specified). Back2buff is correct in noting a prognosis issue w swelling. If meniscus as suspected, this in part relates to blood innervation...some meniscus tissue gets it, others don't. If former, pretty good news, as intervention may not be required. Just time. Further still, an elite athlete can still play w certain types of meniscus damage. Pain tolerance and stability issue. Hello brace, and good to see you Mr Toradal injection.
  11. Yes. Spleen. And it's terminal. Bring up Duke.
  12. Copy all Straight, good discussion...Med conference part trois (promise last one): From tape, IMV, he clearly has a withdrawal reflex immediately after L leg hard plant, as one sees the (unconscious) effort to de-load, along w slight ankle/lower leg adduction. This is the body protecting itself for the last gazillion years. Example: hit yourself in the leg/arm w a hammer. Does the limb fling out? No, you automatically draw inwards toward the thick, protected part of the "shell". For someone his height, a very rough calculation is that this cycle would take about 3/100th of a second... which would happen before other kinetic activity described. Possible also that this is a double whammy?Knee, then stepped on?? I'm wind spitting here.
  13. Emphasis on not being a doc...but I did tear meniscus this way and have fair amount of experience. Plus I was a trainer in an earlier life. Also, my view emerges not just fr vid, but also how they are dealing w this (what little we know). Anyway, re vid: when he plants L foot...hips are square thru his toe (though that doesn't per se mean knee is "straight") while he is trying to neutralize his momentum (i.e., slowing forward velocity). Meanwhile, knee at perpendicular flexion (or extension, choose whichever), w upper body weight posterior to knee. Result: meniscus is doing it's job--shock absorbing and distributing load--but that load is huge in this position. Logically, chance for injury higher. Note: obviously, no idea if it's lateral or medial, stable (horizontal) tear, or even any injury at all!! I've had a couple of so-called flap tears, aside from ACLs. When "flap" is "in place", it's not bad actually. But when it "shifts" there's pain (not awful) and knee catches/swells. Does require surgery, but not big deal. Please don't flame me! Just trying to bring semi-semi (did I note "semi"?) informed view.
  14. Further to my comment up-thread. Forgot to mention that I'm currently being treated by BB ortho team, one guy very close to OBD (another ACL...yes, living the dream). Anyway, these boys and girls def have their sh*t together. Extremely thorough, medically creative, energetic, etc...even for a schmuck like me. Imagine, then, what they've done for Beas? Probably MRI'd him 10 times already, and probed every orifice. Bottom line: they KNOW what's wrong with him. Given that, "week-to-week" ain't exactly terrific (I'm not pitching doom and gloom). Still "believe" it's meniscus-related, but won't get into it here.
  15. Don't think this was posted yet, plus I'm bad at the twitter machine, so... https://twitter.com/Jeremiah179/status/1343770408290578437?s=20 (Obviously, I suck)
  16. Great win. But I'm really worried about the power rankings.
  17. Honestly, I'm more prayerful than giggly. Dear sweet baby Jesus: 1. Thanks for helping me recognize things I can't control. 2. And, also, h/t for allowing us to pole-axe those c***suckers. All the best, your pal, DSK
  18. Right there w you: not doc/not diagnosis/5 knee surgeries. But, slightly different observation: from what they showed, team Dr not doing the very standard ACL/MCL testing. What I saw: they were loading the leg and probing area of lower "knee cap" for pain/movement...which is more likely checking for (possible) meniscus issue. Two cents worth.
  19. Yesss!!! "65 Toss Power Trap, it's gonna pop"
  20. I'm not sure that word means what you think it means. (sarc//just kidding PR)
  21. Is Brown playing? Is Smoke activated? Is 15 up today? Done. Now no one else can ask the freaking question (in any form) until 4p.
  22. Double like for Olongapo ref...
  23. Thanks Wiz, love this guy. Board may not remember but he played a small, but important role in Black Hawk Down, near and dear to my heart: A badass "D-Boy", as we call them (aka, 1SFOD-D, aka Delta Force).
  24. Brandon Beane is no-sh*t great in this. It takes smarts--and instincts--to have good comedic timing, and damn he has it (err, I should say "both").
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