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Everything posted by Dukestreetking

  1. I hope so! But, as I've said before, you gotta run these predictions by @Stank_Nasty.
  2. Agree, very good. Worth watching just for emotion he shows at the end.
  3. Well, if I remember my birthing class (13y ago), Brax-Hicks come way early. Sincerely, Senor Pedantic
  4. Ugh. I'm having Braxton Hicks contractions. And I'm a dude. Moreover, I'm not even pregnant.
  5. W/o looking up lyrics, Big Bad John? We used to sing it in 5th grade music class.
  6. Brief side note: reading w/o my glasses, and I thought you wrote "My mother and I were discussing game plan..." First thought: holy crap, we've just discovered the #1 Bills Fan Family. Sort of like when Carter "found" Tutankhamen tomb.
  7. This is genius. Seriously. Quit your day job, move to Hollywood, and become a casting director. ... wait a minute, maybe you are a casting director. Hmmm.
  8. Let's go JL Chamberlain! Onward men of the 20th! .... sorry, thought this was the civil war thread. This guy has been my #1 hero since HS freshman (waaay before the movie). Anyway, love threads like this @njodogg. Shows the depth and breadth of our fan base. Good luck to Maine posters; hope you're able to get together for the game!
  9. J'accuse RWC! (the trick is to get out in front of the accusation)
  10. I'll be Little Bo Peep if you want, as long as I get to try some of that shrimp "boil" you mentioned! Yes, I clicked to check out the recipe, cuz that's how Lil' Bo rolls.
  11. Jesus HC, you guys gotta stop w this stuff... you're making me freakin' hungry, as in right damn now! Rationale solution: I'm gonna come to your all your houses, hang, meet wonderful families, and eat great food and drink beer and watermelon whatevers. Almost certain board response: F you dukestreetking.
  12. Thanks for putting this up. I know this guy is hit or miss, and the bits need tighter editing, but some good chuckles in this one. I further realize it's the running schtick, but gotta give bonus points for playing multiple characters, Peter Sellers-like.
  13. Omg! You've seen the Big Board, Option Knox Plan (hope you're right, btw). But Buck Turgidson is gonna be freakin' pissed.
  14. Mmmm.... chicken popper soup. I have absolutely no idea what that is, but it sounds great. Sort of rolls off the tongue deliciously.
  15. Don't how to emoji this one. If use "like" will you think it mean "yes, they should've kicked you off"? Anyway, far from it. You brought up a "drop the mic" rejoinder. Rep points for you.
  16. Like a few others, went w the unpopular choice: Bucs. I underestimated time required for TB to sync w system (yeah, Gronk, I get it). All cylinders seem now to be firing, at least offensively, imv. But, of course, believe Bills could take 'em.
  17. Good point, oh ye Font of Joy. I've decided to do the same: just bask in the attention, like a Prom Queen or something. (btw, nihon-jin desu-ka? I can only ask phonetically, cuz I've forgotten my kanji...and most of my nihongo!) Edit: sorry if bad translation. I believe screen name literally means "mother of great happiness", but figured you were going idiomatic.
  18. Just to put a bow on this: completely serendipitous find. I was searching "Bills Fan reaction"; most results related to Red's miracle. I love (a) how she mimics ref signals, maybe unconsciously; (b) dad bumps/fives; (c) her phrase "you can keeek" when Bills get a stop. Slays me. Finally, the work and creativity to cleanly edit 3.5h of tape to circa 15m... amazing. See @K-9 comments, p 60, for more about her. A "hidden" gem, she be.
  19. Is it that obvious? Christ, my skills have seriously diminished.
  20. Kelce, Kelce, Kelce! Not entirely sure how, but he is the security blanket, plus, plus. Maybe the Muddle "blitz" concept used v Ravens might help?? Edit: thinking more on this, Hill or Kelce may be the key issue (derp). Imv, Kelce is the forcing function to KC offense, so you're left w a kind of Faustian bargain re Hill. Realize this has been noted in these 60+ pgs, plus other threads. But I'm really interested in what people think re possible schemes/coverages to limit Kelce, and the inherent trade-offs therein. Why? Well, @Royale with Cheese is apparently getting nervous so, lemming-like, I'm getting nervous as well.
  21. Thanks @stevewin for synopsis and cuts. Must've taken a fair amount of work. Great insights into BD's growth.
  22. Perfect example demonstrating that legacy media is on the fritz, to say the least. Maybe it's last few years of life....?
  23. C'mon man...too hard on yourself! Moving toward a solid capture of our particular zeitgeist. I would use a little hand clap emoji...but, I'm a grown man, so emojis are verboten. (Sweet... I got to use two german words in one post).
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