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Everything posted by Dukestreetking

  1. Fair point, and I realize KY is a "free state", as I lived there for a few years. And, this is precisely why I didn't get into all the state exceptions, but named a basic standard. But, further still, you have to understand how LE investigates this. They will bust you if they want, even in KY. Yes, "known or suspected felon" for buyer is the standard for private sale, but the obverse is also true. They (esp under fed investigation) will nail you if you have reasonable belief the seller is "known or suspected"...on the basis of criminal conspiracy. Plus, there are specific laws re car transport, which I will not get into. Don't get me wrong: I own an armory for a reinforced platoon, but I've obtained everything with extra legal caution. And, besides, I don't think we're talking about KY wrt to Mr. Lattimore. Anyway, I'll stop here, as this is not the place to deep dive into gun law or LE.
  2. I actually have been a (certain type) of investigator, though mostly overseas stuff. So, everything I say MUST be true. /s I'll bottom line it: everyone in this country (should) damn well know you don't "receive" a firearm--gift, purchase, whatever--from some dude without paperwork. Neighbor, friend, uncle, third cousin, joey bag o' donuts... doesn't matter. Form 4473 via an FFL my friends. Yes, there are complicated exceptions by state, but this is the basic standard. I ain't saying he's "guilty" but let's just make a fair assumption that it's not a good (legal) look.
  3. Dear God, but I love this comment and this fan base.
  4. Holy s**t. We ARE getting Mack!
  5. Contemporaneous discussions/texts re details of incident. Logs, billing slips, checks. Witnesses testifying to abrupt change in demeanor or behavior on/about said date. Counselor notes. Etc, etc. Not saying that's what she has, but many ways to skin the cat.
  6. I don't know anything about this, but I do believe: Brandon Beane doesn't fear the cap. The cap fears Brandon Beane.
  7. I get the interest generally. But 14 pages on what can best be described as 3rd or 4th hand information, with a "presumed" cherry on top? And yet: this is why I come here. Ya know, for the journey, not the destination. No, seriously...that's why I love this place.
  8. Watched all of these...all great. But really love this one. Just for S&G, I slowed down to 1/4 speed. Results... Josh: nothing to be added; some ridiculous plays. Beautiful. Our man. But, two other things I caught, of which we're all aware, but bear repeating. 1. Dawkins is a (damn near) monster in pass pro. I'm only an amateur, but I can see, even when initially beat, he recovers extremely well. Pancaking dudes also. Unless JA rolling left, he always seems to have clear line of sight in that direction. Impressive. 2. Motor and Moss are also good-great (somebody advise me) in pass pro...imv, we sometimes miss this component in discussing RB roster moves. Hell, on the Kumerow TD Moss is actually in the pattern concept, but he manages to get two/two (!) significant chips as he breaks his route. Again, very impressive. Thanks to all for these great contributions.
  9. No way Hap! Mongo stay here. In rain that is ice. Where choo-choo go. After all, Mongo just pawn in game of life.
  10. I don't disagree re the overall game. I should have made it more clear that I was talking (most of) first half, where the Trio/JA looked damn near unstoppable. I concluded that by using the "Mark 1 eyeball" test and, just now, looking at the play log...in first six possessions they went TD, FG, FG, FG, punt, TD. Bottom line: Bills already had 23 with 9+ min left in half. Not too bad. Just a game slice I realize, but the Trio was showing it's real potential, imv. (note: this is not a comment on whether or not we should retain JB)
  11. I shouldn't encourage such behavior, but that was at least worth a chuckle.
  12. I won't belabor this point, given thread focus on Knox. But, this, this, this. Been thinking about it quite a bit...At some point--and soon--JA is going to have to make this transition: from I'll play CofD with you, to I'm gonna kick your a** all over the field if you screw up in practice. No idea if he's doing some of it already, or even if it's in DNA. Maybe it's a time thing: he needs to build up more gravitas. But, jmo, I sure as hell hope he evolves soonest.
  13. Yes, I agree w assessment; this is a fair probability But having just re-watched the Cards game, I was reminded of the sheer beauty of this Triple Threat...at times it looked like "they" could not be stopped. Wasn't even a great JA game, but SD-CB-JB went 27 for 274...not too shabby. Alas, I'm basking in nostalgia (despite the loss), and time moves on. But when JB was healthy, there definitely was "a thing".
  14. Interestingly enough, there is a former Bill (I'm reluctant to give name) who specializes in making sure that the Mongo's, Milanos, and others maintain the wealth they accumulate as active players. He tries to get to them early. By all accounts, he's been very successful w athletes and their financial planning. My sense is that players trust him because, in fact, he played, and he's damn good at what he does (and really a good dude on top of it all). Hopefully, all our young players turn to this guy (or others like him) so there is no DT situation down the road.
  15. Well, I'll stand up and be the thread's (potential) archetype d**k. JJW obviously has a marketing team, and he approves everything bearing his image. So, one of two things id happening (a) he's blown them off for the past two weeks and he's sending tweets on his own (b) marketing involved and these quasi-easter eggs are purposeful. If former, innocuous messages, and I give him a pass. If latter...a big FU, I don't want him near this team. Preying on fan bases, just for his Twitter ego. Simply propagates the culture of narcissism we stand athwart. Don't know the answer. However, if he signs in Buffalo for circa $10-11/per, I'm going to disappear this entry tout de suite.
  16. So, I didn't play football, but I shot (at) alot of "footballers" overseas. Does that count? Chuckle. Actually, I did play thru JV, and I was a damn good scat back/WR. Still suck a** at the Xs and Os. Thing is: I started martial arts at 8 yo and, when the time came to move to varsity, I had to make a commitment choice. I chose the dojo--Shoto-kan and jui jitsu-- over the gridiron, and it ultimately served me well. But, I honestly missed the team camaraderie...that is, until I got to shoot (uhhh, again, I will say "at") all those soccer players w my unit! Good times.
  17. Fair point DocDawk, but allow additional perspective: I'm "old" but I ain't that old. I have a 13-yr old daughter who listens to K-pop for chrisakes, so I "listen" to it as well. Bottom line: very open to all music. But, dude, Weeknd just plain sucked. At least in live performance, the most unforgiving venue of all. The music and performance simply lacked a center...a soul. Plus, I missed the part where he slides across the stage and throws his junk into the camera lens. All in good fun bro...musical opinions are just that. Now, get the hell off my lawn.
  18. Turns out "a Karen", spelled backwards, and in Malay (neraka), carries the meaning of "hell, destruction underworld". [what can I say? I come up with weird s**t sometimes] Proposed closure to this insipid matter: Ms Silversmith moves to Indonesia, lives a life appropriate to her namesake, and we all go on with the world turning gracefully.
  19. I've changed my mind in last 24hr: I do like JJW...in the role you describe. Football idea being obvious: 2 symbiotic edge rushers; vets who still have 1-2 yrs of high-ish level in the tank. Further, he would seem to be a great cultural fit. But, and there's always a but, financials: I honestly don't think it's possible, esp as role player. But, keeping open mind...
  20. Per espn advanced stats offered other thread by @DCOrange, he was 8th in Edge win rate this year (JH was 2nd). So there's that, agree or not re metric. As aside, I am not a huge JJ fan at this point in career. [Sorry if this stat noted already; normally don't comment until I read all pages, but doing cross-thread reading today to catch up]
  21. This is hilarious, inside of truth, wrapped in clever. Ya see, TB12 is an anti-nightshader, so he'd never.... Ahh, forget it. If you have to explain how good a joke is... anyway, well done Yolo.
  22. Rog, copy all. Thanks for clarification. Sometimes I'm slow on the up-tick.
  23. Hmmm... Not being a d**k, but trying to understand what you mean by this very loaded term "privilege". If you generally mean, "I'm associated w a pro athlete, so I can be a Twit-hole" then I'm with you brother. Otherwise, if you mean specific to race or gender.... well, I ain't so sure. There's enough of this crap--across the spectrum--to be extremely skeptical re the latter. Anyway, just checking in for clarification.
  24. Aside from the funny videos....TB12 diet is based on interesting (but scientifially unproven) concepts suggested by Dr Gundy. I cannot find--and I've tried--a scientifically valid study re Gundy's anti-lectin theory of nutrition. Maybe it just makes you weak, weak, weak vis a vis alcohol. Speaking of which, we should push BillFan Diet™, which combines hearty doses of alcohol with preternatural levels of angst. Character building.
  25. How doing? Well, gone thru 5 stages of grief, and now at acceptance. Meanwhile, changed profile photo to my then 1-yr old taking an (unsanctioned) bite of her birthday cake. Symbolic of the delicious, likely surprising NFL bites in our future. My (literal) war pics shall return, once the season begins anew.
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