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Everything posted by Dukestreetking

  1. Per sim, and from memory: believe JA goes 29 for 34, 3 pass TD, 1 run TD. So, we got that going for us. Do I have that right @JaCrispy? First time I've ever watched a Madden sim.
  2. Maybe I should start a separate thread, but for now I'll drop this here: Diggs voted by players as #11 best, per NFLN annual gig. By process of exclusion, our Man will be top 10 in the vote. They teased that one player (JA?) moved up the most this year. Since they've already had a +34 player, and Josh was 41(??) last year... we're talking possible top 5 amongst player voters. Amazing the respect he earned. My god, we've come so far...
  3. Thanks for that Scuba. Exact thing I'm trying to convey. Even w all the amazing advances in surgery (I've had 3x ACLs) it's still there. Maybe one of our docs can clue us in re: successful surgery vs what I've termed Amorphous ACL Syndrome"...the kind of thing where "yeah, I'm good, but I keep getting the nagging nicks". ** Uhhh, I'm not a medical pro, nor claim any such expertise
  4. Adding empiricism/anecdotal thoughts to HP injury: To all the ACLers out there, you know it never really goes away. Dings, bangs, little twists, swelling. Always 10-15% worse (temporary) than before even a successful surgery, in my view. So: (a) no idea re Harry specifics, but could it fall under amorphous ACL syndrome? (b) interested to hear fr others--I know you're out there--re your ACL experience, as it might relate to Hp going forward.
  5. Example of a great TBD post. ..I won't quote it all. Concise yet thorough, great presentation, etc. Not blowing smoke up your butt... however, the more of this type the better, even if you don't agree w this/that point. Well done sir.
  6. "Give me a long enough lever...and I shall move the world" - Archimedes
  7. Taiwan w the assist... that's teamwork my man.
  8. Mina Kimes was on the LAC-LA broadcast. As such, I realize I'm utterly bipolar. I mean, like, I hate her for her JA draft day outburst. At the same time, she's my friggin' hopeful future wife. Jhc, life is a swirl of emotional dilemmas. That's all I got...
  9. Play of the game: Rousseau and AJ meeting in the middle for sandwich sack. Screamed at my buddy, "That's our f***in' future!!" He was not as enthusiastic as me...maybe b/c I woke up his wife.
  10. This. Which leads me to: I see zero culture w/n that team/organization. Obviously, a show is just a show but, crikey, nothing to see there. It was ugly. Boys are in trouble this year. My expert opinion after watching 50+ min of produced television.
  11. You had me at "Bills flirt with..."
  12. Actually, I feel pretty bad for Taiwan...in a f'd up situation. On that other thing: I hope T Jesus does become our gunner+.
  13. I wish there was an "interesting" reaction emoji, as I enjoy new/different takes, regardless if I agree or not...not sure where I stand on TJ but I hadn't thought of this before. H/t.
  14. Talk about a guy that really deserves it. Ok, I'm biased: he's my fav Bill for variety of reasons. But slugging it out w a "broken/fractured" fibula puts him over the top. I mean, the profound, no s**t display of Team Spirit...Kurt Cobain is diggin' it, wherever he may be.
  15. Holy crap this is so raaaacciiisstt against us (half) Italians. /s (As an aside, Bon Jovi looks jacked... what is this world coming to?)
  16. The one important thing missing in this discussion: HOW you eat the wing (flat or drum). One-handed, single pull, all meat removed, move on to next: OG WNYer. Two-handed, bite, bite, bite - like it's flipping corn on the cob: umm, not OG WNYer.
  17. God Bless you (x10) for posting this. Quick story: The so-called "Bagram Boardwalk" was basically a joke. They had every convenience and restaurant one could imagine in a war zone. Surreal. I remember walking thru there, dirty and stinking from a mission. I would literally laugh aloud at the splendor on tap, as well as the "mean mugs" from clean clothes/pressed uniform types who were pissed I had invaded their sacral, dignified space. (and, I assure you, I was no warrior, super hero). But I did NOT laugh at the Tillman Center (I think that's what it was called) that indeed was a sacred place. It held the relics of true sacrifice. Sorry for long reply...but we could really use more PTs, reminders of his character, depth of fidelity, and true, ultimate sacrifice for his country. Again, thanks for posting.
  18. I see what you did there. Tip of the Cuervo to you sir. (What can I say...I'm a big fan of cross-thread refs. Very skills-sy)
  19. I be perplexed. Is this actually a thing or are you--pardon my manners-- just giving us a "glow" job? Bless you, if true.
  20. This. I mean, my goodness (and not to be a schmuck), but is anyone looking at CB fast twitch in first 2-3 yd off the line? It's beyond ridiculous. The symbiosis w SD is brutal for opposing Ds. To say nothing of his preternatural skill in settling into an open zone, or carrying his route a few steps (deep or short) to give JA17 an open lane. I'll be a contrarian (flames a' coming!) and say I cannot even believe we're talking about this. In this sense: the Bills KNOW what they have in this guy and--whatever the hell it may be--they'll ensure he's a contributing team member this year, via whatever means available.
  21. Drac: well done sir. Love the pinky hammer-ons in ToS vid. Hella hard but you really pulled it off. Sincerely, A pretty crappy rhythm guitarist
  22. Re Tua: I wonder if "we" really understand the playing dynamics of his injury(ies) and how, ultimately, they may limit his ceiling. I mean, a dislocated hip WITH posterior wall fracture. Not a doc, but blood supply, stability issues, blah, blah. And I'm not even counting the ankle surgeries and two broken wrists...already sunk costs in this equation. So, I feel bad for the kid, and wish him no further harm. But count me on the side that sees his career limited by these "nicks"...and the nicks yet to come
  23. Just cuz I'm now obsessed w the topic... https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/elizabeth-hurley-bikini-200626461.html
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