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Everything posted by Dukestreetking

  1. So I guess we're all misogynists. Thus we critique Dabs b/c we're misandrists, Ford b/c we're racist...ad infinitum. Best to think of us as more balanced--like, say, misanthropic humanitarians--and you'll have a much better time here. Just my two cents.
  2. Yesss! I'm just so damn happy you're doing this. Agree or disagree, it gives us a great framework to argue re a contentious board topic. Thanks for the effort...yet another ex of why I'm now addicted to this place.
  3. Agree. However, and as I mentioned previously, the current/woke phrasing for mother###### is "birthing person shaggers". Thank you, thank you very much. Don't forget to tip your waitress.
  4. From Texans fan forum: "CBS was trying to do us a favor and cut off the game. lol"
  5. I can't wait for this week's Edmunds Report!
  6. Nice OP...I like this guy's format (esp multiple angles of same play). Best comment, on Manny's 2nd TD: "the ball catches him".
  7. For no reason, I'll just leave this here:
  8. BT you are the friggin man. I'm digging the enthusiasm, for whatever that's worth.
  9. Possible for announcers to suck Dak's d*** with greater vigor? I think not.
  10. The guy wears a sign on his back that says, "D'arce choke available. No cost"
  11. Agree, and so did the WFT fans. From their forum, right after the 93y drive: "They can literally do ANYTHING they want on offense." Omg people, I am getting the, the: Schadenboner!
  12. Jesus H... Well, until she tweets, or actual words come out of her mouth.
  13. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice... Gus Johnson appears.
  14. Quote from WFT fan forum: "I sadly think the Bills are going to deliver a beat down on us and it's going to be painful to watch." Decent summary of the consensus over there.
  15. Men circle admission: I go through so much dip during games it's enough for me, Josh, and any other dippers out there.
  16. As I mentioned in the TB-Girls game thread... Zeitgeist report: OUT=running/IN=not running
  17. Fr a non-WNY perspective: I was not local for 25 yrs (btw, the day I came back I joined TBD, Oct 2019!). Was overseas alot, so missed--yet craved--any Bills/NFL football. So, my bottom line now: I am like a crack wh**e vis a vis WGR bills coverage. I'll give you, ahem, whatever you want, just to get an extra 10m of S&B talking about FF (even though I dislike it) just cuz they may/may mention a Bills player. I guess it's like that old Joni Mitchell song..."you don't know what you got til it's gone". So, live joyously my brothers and sisters...these are the fricken' days.
  18. @Miyagi-Do Karate: (dude/not a dude): you are me, and I am you. I've been so superstitious--combined w chronic bbfs--that I literally won't take a p**s until halftime. This year: I've decided to let that dog bark whenever the need arises. It's like a 12-step program.
  19. I don't exactly know why, but I really like Miami dude, starting last year. Maybe it's b/c he reminds me of my Niagara Falls uncles growing up.
  20. Agree. Seems he spent alot of his "down time" in the weight room. Don't remember him looking that swoll.
  21. Thanks for this. If you have a sec, can you expand on this? Interested in this specific observation... "palms" quarters.
  22. With due respect, I'm not sure this is precisely correct. A vet perhaps, singular. Otherwise, there is not a single service member who is not aware of the Battle Cross ceremony, or some variation thereof. It's an (awful) element for any boot on-the-ground. Basically, everyone knows this. I do not mention this with any vitriol... but please look it up so you may have a better understanding. That is the only time to kneel and grieve. It happens in the field of battle...a 160+ yrs tradition. Otherwise you stand for every KIA-related ceremony, the flag always featured. This is why you hear "we only kneel for the combat dead; we stand for the flag".
  23. OP: I love your posts brother, and I'm not looking for a back-forth argument. Honestly, I respect what you have to say. I'll just note this: many of us in this forum have been down-range (me, 16 tours in 20+ yrs, incl IZ and AFG...and btw I don't want or need any recognition for same). Ultimately, our purpose was to protect the continuation of fundamental rights, such as freedom of expression, precisely as it relates to this thread. My point: choosing today to bring this subject up--after the sacrifice of so many just 24+ hours ago--is, well, a little disjointed, timing wise. I'll just say carry on, you have the uncontested right. But please keep in your hearts and minds our brothers and sisters--in harm's way, lives on the line at this very moment--who are literally the last chance of freedom for many souls. Respectfully, DSK
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