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Everything posted by Dukestreetking

  1. Thx for this. Very interesting. Some here seem to believe this type of break is dynamic. However, this presentation--when you put it in plain English--indicates a certain percent are indeed overuse injuries (my word, not in the document). Request to @BuffaninSarasota: this is a great resource. With any high profile injuries in future, please post similar presentation. Thanks again.
  2. All I can say: The Jamie Lee Curtis intro was history's most cringe worthy lead into a game. Frankly, I was surprised she could read her lines with Jerry's d**k in her mouth.
  3. Real world? Gotta be at least top 3, and I don't mean just statistically (he's #2 in made percentage). Folk, Tucker? I also like Koo....if one can actually be a fan of a kicker. I know it's been said many times, but what a great freaking pick by McB.
  4. Literally first response in that thread: "Who ****ing cares, we deserve it." Very funny.
  5. Remember when the "stat" was rolled out? Highest single game QBR: Charlie Batch's 2-pick, 180+ yd game in 2010. Not kidding. There's an article but I don't feel like looking it up bc it's so egregious. The guy on TBL last wk, talking about new QB metric, seems much more accurate (vid was posted but can't find). Esp welcome bc, as I recall, JA was top/top 3(?) this year.
  6. Fair pointo, but I'd let it slide. Not too egregious in context. If, however, he ever uses the "feed me" or the "shoosh" gestures--popular, but I personally hate them--then I am done, DONE w JA17. /mostly s
  7. Still, don't those brass ones get kinda heavy?😎
  8. Serious question, as I don't bet (anymore): what was your anxiety level giving 14? I ask b/c my nerves would overcome game enjoyment on a bet like that.
  9. Umm, "click-click" (I copy). And I figure we'd all agree. But, I wasn't advocating one over the other. Reg season/SB MVPs not mutually exclusive!
  10. I should've been more clear...I mean I couldn't have imagined this, in light of the QB play in the drought years. His high level performance is now "normalized" in my brain.
  11. I'll eschew MVP comments for moment (too early). But: QB TTD-TO ratios are, generally speaking, way underrated; imo, due to fantasy dominance/interest. Now, look at JA: 20/4. Per statsmuse, 0.57/game this year; rookie year 1.17, last year 1.0. And, btw, only 8 sacks, behind an avg at best OL. Bottom line: this is ridiculous improvement AND top tier performance. Esp in light of his offensive burden, and the supposed last knock on him (ball security). I would never have imagined this 5 yrs ago. I don't know about MVP this minute, but he'll win multiple SBs/MVPs during his career.
  12. Fyi: I'm 10 pages behind b/c I'm on this damn zoom call (I know you were all worried about me).
  13. Someone just scheduled me for zoom call at 3p. WTFO??
  14. "65 Toss Power Trap. Might break wide open baby!"
  15. Interest in this equals my desire to explain a Jackson Pollock painting to my 15-yr old daughter. So, like zero...and I'm a CM fan. Injuries and $, as many have stated.
  16. Absolutely. "The town crier is toxic" said some Oberian villager during the Black Death, shrugging as he groomed his mud lawn. Toxic this, toxic that, yo toxic, ad infinitum; I mean, can we pull the reins just a bit? And btw, I don't use the twitters, instas, tiks and toks, because they're just so damn, well, toxic.
  17. The whole case is still so weird to me. I mean think about it: The blond surfer dude was named Kato, and the japanese judge was named Lance.
  18. (From the Halloween vid: honestly, I was just hoping to see Kay's a**).
  19. Still BBFSing from last Monday, so all I want: Heads on pikes. F**ing heads on pikes, fellas.
  20. Agree. I know I'll get flamed for this but...Edelman was a tenacious blocker, and not just down field. Great value-added to his route acumen.** **Please note: the current poster does not actually like JE, but is merely bringing him up to emphasize a point.
  21. Slightly o/t but "penis is great" and "Johnson extended" has to be Top 5 back-to-back posts in TSW history. Thanks to @Kelly the Dog@HappyDays for making me laugh my ass off.
  22. Heard G Cosell--who I really respect--on OBL say Milano is "the most important player" on Bills D. Dear sweet Baby Jesus: you know I don't ask for much.
  23. Hell FD, it's more than that: I think voters read the Report...and that's what put him over the top!
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