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Everything posted by Dukestreetking

  1. Glomming on to @Logic theme: ColossalNeatKite-mobile.mp4
  2. As there are few quick fixes in the wings (aside from Brown's return) I would suggest a bigger role for Mck. Looking to add some more pop/dynamism to the O. Hap said earlier he's only getting 16 percent of snaps; that's a motion/jet sweep giveaway. Can Bills double that? Of course, that leaves a ST question. Imv, I would pull him from KR but maintain PR role, if any. Realize that's risky, but all changes carry some risk. Finally GB: to me, he looks like he's been nursing some (small) injury all season. Less explosive routes, etc. Just a spitball thought.
  3. Wow brother: a field corpsman, MEF capable, active (I believe that's the squid rating?!)... straight up badass. Wish you the best: stay safe my friend. Meanwhile, a well worn phrase, but appropriate for you and those still serving:
  4. I was going to thoughtfully reply to this--using the utter absence of doctrinal res ipsa loquitur and lack of "facts in evidence"--but further colloquy would get us nowhere. Honestly, anyone who still believes Mike Brown was "murdered" (per your poster) has only a loose association with...well, the Truth. I urge you to read the Obama DoJ report on the matter, which finds no evidence for Ofc Wilson indictment. Take care and good luck.
  5. Meh...I lurk every once in a while, and rarely comment (only when my HR is, say, +150). Impossible to persuade, or genuinely discuss complexity in this type of media... subjects that would include law(s) of self-defense, even though it basically comes down to IIRP standard. Btw, KR clearly meets this threshold, despite the fact that it wasn't a great idea to be there.
  6. Whichever fight brings in the $...the UFC way (not anything wrong w it). Anyway, I was cracking up about the context of your comment: can you imagine anyone actually wanting to fight Usman? These dudes are freaking nuts.
  7. Poem: excerpt fr his short work, Soliloquy. I read...the room gets dusty. GB: best part=much better non-mission living conditions than real heroes (infantry, grunts). Worst part=always in civies--western/otherwise--instead of cool uniforms that attract the chicks! Also: remiss in forgetting to give an ooh-rah for USMC birthday. Semper Fi. Combining above...in tribute to friend, USMC Ltc LM. Miss you brother. He's the bad ass in the middle; I'm the stocky punk on the left.
  8. H/t to @MAJBobby for starting this thread. Awesome to see how many members are in our Merry Little Band, and to read the kindnesses shared by others. Thanks also to @Fan in Chicago for specifically remembering so many names. Well done.
  9. Wonder where this story comes from and if it may have political motive? Those are what you call rhetorical questions. Always, always check your sources, and the sub-sources. Though I'm loathe to cite wiki, I don't have the heart to chase after this continued foolishness. To wit, Ms Neumann: In August 2020 she made an ad for Republican Voters Against Trump in which she endorsed the presidential candidacy of Joe Biden and called Trump's language and actions "racist," saying she considers "America is less safe" due to Trump's failure in leadership.
  10. To all my brothers and sisters who served, anywhere, any time, and in whatever capacity: I pray that our collective sacrifice (and that of our families) in some way made the world safer, and our countrymen more secure. A keen edged sword, a soldiers heart Is greater than a poet's art And greater than a poet's fame A little grave that has no name --- Francis Ledwidge DSK: Iraq, Afg, and many other places untidy. Ground Branch-XYZ agency.
  11. Hah...I see what you did there. Well done sir.
  12. I liked Masvidal toughness but, in that game and at that level, once you're broke...well, you still have a career but straps ain't in the cards. Re Chimaev: agree. Indeed (though I realize he's swedish national) the sport is shifting to Dagestanis, Chechens, etc... almost coming full circle from the "early days" primacy of wrestling+g&p. Jmo. Cheers again to @BillsShredder83 for bringing up this topic. Reason I don't use, say, sherdog mma forum is everything quickly devolves into verbal fistfights....I have enough stress just dealing w my BBFS.
  13. Will do. The guy doing the online (text) play-by-play was going ape-s**t so it must've been hella good. Hang in there brother. Hope all goes well. Please let us know how it turns out, on either this thread or your "usual" TSW hang.
  14. I swear, this is the permanent state of every bjj guy I know. Thus, I've come to realize the discipline is WAY past my pain threshold.
  15. Agree.... but you go ahead and ask her.😁 Missed 268 but followed play-by-play on MMAJ. Btw, would love to see regular mma threads; my fav sport... I'm a shotokan guy, but who wants to watch kumite/Kata competition unless you're in the tournament.
  16. Not sure if I agree or disagree but, just in case, better get Sarah on the blower.
  17. Interesting. Not to be a D-bag, but what is source for this? Would like to read/hear.
  18. I kina see what you're saying OP. In that regard, Parcells (Marv?) said he knew he had to leave the game when the lows of the losses stopped overcoming the highs of the wins. Maybe take @LeGOATskiadvice and step away a bit. I've missed alot of game action this yr due to Sun conference calls...and honestly I feel better.
  19. I only saw last 15 min of game so, to me, this is an intriguing question. Anyone see this, esp if you were in stadium?
  20. DSK's Law: Amount of rage v McBeane, refs, players is directly proportional to the crapiness of the opposing team.
  21. Sorry brother...I was replying to Nine40, then in later post agreeing w you re JA TOs. B/c I'm a dumbass, I got all that s**t tangled up. Many pardons, good sir.
  22. Per Gelber tweet above, JA has "only has 3 INT and 0 lost fumbles..." Just to be pedantic, he's listed as 1 FL (per PFR, other sources). Charged w snap exchange v Pitt??? As I mentioned last wk, that's still 20/4; and in agreement w @RiotAct: Rookie yr ToTD:ToTO = 1.17/g This yr = .57/g !!!
  23. Fwiw, he's the least sacked QB in the NFL with 8 and "inconsistent" pass pro.
  24. Sorry, didn't know where to put this but, per Schef tweet, this man would have been 45 yesterday.
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