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Everything posted by FireChans

  1. Not when you’re trying to contend for a Super Bowl.
  2. He put us so over the top, we used pick #8 on the same position the next year.
  3. Can you name the WR’s we’ve drafted in the last couple years? Because they aren’t even close to Sanders quality.
  4. Damn that’s nothing. Beane asleep at the wheel?
  5. The Falcons won’t be swimming in cap space until Ryan and Julio are gone, so it doesn’t really matter.
  6. Introduce him to a nice set of lawn chairs and threaten to kill his whole family.
  7. B+. Allen is making strides as a passer and QB, we have a decent offense statistically without a ton of talent, the OL players fit their scheme, fair enough bag of tricks plays that have worked for the most part. Once we get the deep ball figured out, this offense is poised to take another step.
  8. If Josh doesn’t know what to do and Daboll hasn’t told him what to do, Josh needs to ask Daboll what to do.
  9. Brothers success in the nfl is strongly correlated with how good of prospects they are. The Bosas were both stars in college and clear top 5 picks. It doesn’t matter what your last name is really.
  10. Only Doug Whaley or EJ Manuel could be this mad at me already. Let’s let bygones be bygones. Textbook TBD. I can’t stop smiling.
  11. Yes they will. Cover 0 is not difficult to beat in the NFL. There’s a reason it’s almost exclusively run against young inexperienced QB’s
  12. Yeah 3 Super Bow wins with 4 appearances (with the snark that he’d be criticized) is the grounded optimism that this board is known for. That’s exactly my point. It’s good to be back!
  13. My 47 year old son just ran his car into the gas station, so I’m here on TBD to raise HELL @Chandler#81
  14. Oh no, I was referring to YOU and the inanity surrounding QB discussions around here. That’s where you made the mistake.
  15. Great point. He ain’t there yet but he’s a different guy from last year. Even this year, he’s trending in the right direction of WTF throws that he had vs the Bengals and Pats. When did I say Allen was bad? Nice projection btw.
  16. A legend. TBD just isn’t the same without the “people wont be happy when JP/Trent/Fitz/EJ/Thad/Tyrod win the super bowl” guys.
  17. Iggles looked very beatable last night. I’m hoping we can pull out the W.
  18. It’s cover zero. They are usually rushing 7 or 8. You don’t just need to chip an extra rusher. The QB needs to recognize the play, and tell the receiver to go to his hot route. That’s his job. He also needs to recognize the ball needs to go into the stands immediately if that read isn’t there.
  19. I didn’t notice Ford much which is a clear sign of improvement based on his last few games.
  20. Tell that to all the suckers who took Bills -17. They wouldn’t cover then, it would have been a push.
  21. When you don’t come close to covering the spread, you underperformed relative to your expectations, record or no.
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