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Everything posted by FireChans

  1. I sneaky like the Love Cutler comparison. Both dudes make throws that make you lean forward.
  2. What’s interesting is that I think we have a reasonable idea what Dawkins will cost. Milano is a wild card. I have no idea what price tag he is looking for.
  3. Yeah he did. On a really bad Jags team. Fournette has also had a double digit TD’s season in his career. Will Singletary have a season like that ever?
  4. Talk about revisionist history. Mariota and Bortles were both coming off decent seasons, Mariota was actually the best season of his career. The Bears took a QB. So really it was just us and the Jets, and uh, we haven’t been the greatest two franchises in recent memory lol.
  5. In general, I absolutely agree. I’m one of those people who believes EJ would have sucked anywhere. However, I don’t think it’s unfair to say that Rosen has had perhaps the unluckiest start by a young QB I can remember. And that NE has made a decent amount of limited QB’s look okay.
  6. This dude is an idiot. Michael Turner handled 5 years total as a starting back in the NFL. Steven Jackson was about 6. Ray Rice started to suck when he was banished at the age of 26. Benson had like 3-4 decent years.
  7. Not Bama! It was Mizzou where Brad Smith went. “Everyone acts like Brad Smith is some kind of dummy!”
  8. I agree somewhat. The bottom line is that it’s a test you can practice for to put up a decent score. WR’s don’t need to hit 30+ but if you can’t hit double digits, you don’t care. It’d be like not training for 3 cone. obviously that doesn’t translate 100% either. But that’s how I see it.
  9. Jameis Winston. Not that he’s a flat out bust but he certainly wasn’t the next great QB like I thought he’d be.
  10. Do you want a list of QB’s who were “on a roster” last spring?
  11. When your first two games are your best two games, you’re *****.
  12. The “deep WR” draft narrative has been twisted a bit by the media to pump ratings. There’s really just a lot of guys who could be solid contributors out there, not superstars.
  13. I’m not sure that “player evaluation” is subjective is a hot take lol.
  14. Mahomes and Brady would have been great anywhere. Manuel would have been a more successful bust in a different system.
  15. There goes the narrative that he could “still be in the league but doesn’t want to be.”
  16. You can play this silly game with everyone. “Josh Rosen inexplicably fell from being possible #1 overall to the 4th QB off the board. That’s his fuel.” “Lamar Jackson was a Heisman-Winning QB who was asked to change position, drafted after college QB’s who didn’t accomplish half of what he did”
  17. My pick for the 2nd round is Joe Burrow. Think of the value!
  18. Some folks forget that if Brady went #1 overall instead of in the 6th round, he’d still be the greatest of all time. McD didn’t believe Tyrod would continuously improve. McBeane didn’t believe Zay Jones would continuously improve. They didn’t believe Wyatt Teller would continuously improve. It sounds like you agree, for the most part. It’s very important that Allen improves next year because if he plateaus, it might be time to start sniffing around other potential QB’s.
  19. So here would be the question. If Josh doesn’t take another step forward next year, you don’t think Beane and co start reevaluating the QB position and start scouting next years class a little harder? I think they do. As they should. As for offensive expectations, “not hurrying” to have a good offense has resulted in 3 years of bad offense. When do they start feeling more urgency on that point? If Allen turns out to be a franchise QB, no one should be worried about letting him get away. It’s the converse, hanging onto a guy who isn’t a franchise QB without a back up plan, which is the real danger. It’s drafting EJM in 2013, and waiting 5 years to draft another QB that’s the real time waster.
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