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Everything posted by FireChans

  1. You should call your parents and call them murderers.
  2. Someone needs to be put down for nap time I think. Where are your parents from suburban WNY when you need them?
  3. Alas @Rocky Landing, the guillotine has come for me, as my actions in this topic have been deemed “crusading”, although I view them more as responding to those who respond to me. So I urge you to continue this conversation in PPP if you wish.
  4. No but as an epidemiologist, I might want to relay that message again loudly and clearly when thousands of people suddenly have good reasons to go outside.
  5. Lol imagine thinking what your boomer parents think in WNY is a defensible rebuttal. Too funny.
  6. All 3 articles on the 12th of June. 2 of them reference the same podcast where they got those quotes. The protests started May 26th. I wonder why he waited.
  7. Yeah, I think there are other ways to get a message out besides a presidential presser. Unless you don’t want to really get a message out. That was the subject of my first post in the topic. This wouldn’t be a surprise if you followed along
  8. Oh wow, he’s been a lifer in a government agency. Now you’ve convinced me he’s a good dude.
  9. Was it untruthful to promote “not wearing masks to the general public,” regardless of the benevolence of the reason? I get your point of political expediency. But he was untruthful with the above. He was preeeeetty quiet about the massive protests and their health risk. I can really only find one quote out of him 10 days after they started. He may have his own reasons for saying what he says. I’m not sure anyone can argue that.
  10. Of course. The ability to admit when you were wrong is important. Unfortunately, be wrong a few times and the public will start to ask, when are you going to be right?
  11. Isn’t that by definition untruthful? Wasn’t that your point? I see the word untruthful here. Was that not what you just argued wasn’t the case?
  12. I would actually like to amend my previous statement. I would say that you shouldn’t trust what Fauci says without rigorous cross examination.
  13. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/fauci-mask-advice-was-because-doctors-shortages-from-the-start-2020-6%3famp
  14. I hope you didn’t buy any masks bro, they don’t work! Except Fauci admitted that was a lie to the American Public to prevent shortages. Do you ever get tired of people lying to you because they know best?
  15. That’s the point of the waiver. And, tbh it will still matter. You think CNN will care about a little detail like that?
  16. Keeping his job is political. He is a member of the Task Force, which is a political appointment. Saying, or in this case, not saying something truthful in order to keep his position fulfills the definition of political expediency.
  17. I mean, we have seen videos of kooks over the last few weeks. You think it’s out of the realm of possibility that some left winger goes to a Trump rally and tries to blame him for getting sick?
  18. There are lots of kooks out there bud. Healthy skepticism will serve you well.
  19. DJT. I’m sure all those grandmas murdered by Cuomo in the nursing homes are shaking their fists at Trump in heaven.
  20. Fauci has proven he will remain silent when it is politically expedient to do so. Don’t believe a word this clown says without cross examination. #CancelFauci
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