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Everything posted by FireChans

  1. I think the point you are missing is if infection does not permit immunity, it is no guarantee vaccine permits immunity, especially if the virus prone to mutation. You only have to look at the difference between the flu vaccine's efficacy and the polio vaccine's efficacy. I've known people who have gotten the flu multiple times in the same season.
  2. Oh I'm not following you. If I see someone with all that "Red states vs blue states (except the blue states that suck)," I won't not say anything. Sorry.
  3. Well, I haven’t seen a vaccine kill 100,000 people in 3 months.
  4. What vaccines work long term that don’t involve IgG?
  5. Your list of guys that fans can justifiably believe are contenders are all QB’s with lots of playoff success and then Allen. That just means you’re selectively applying that rearview analysis.
  6. Has anyone else noticed the Google machine doesn’t show the +new cases for California, NY or NJ but does for Texas, Florida and other states?
  7. They are actually predictions for next year if you read the article.
  8. The greatest chunk of O’Leary’s risk is now that he has proven atherosclerotic disease.
  9. An IVC filter prevents clots from going to your heart because it has to go to your heart to go to your pulmonary arteries, which is where PE’s are, which block perfusion between your blood supply and lungs. It’s not the same as heart attacks or cardiovascular disease. Completely different pathophysiology and anatomical course.
  10. So the difference is thrombemobolism vs not. Clots like DVT’s, PE’s and strokes from Afib are different than plaque disease. PE’s are not stented. You are put on blood thinners to break down the clot. Atherosclerotic rupture is secondary to atherosclerotic risk factors, such as DM, HTN, HL.
  11. It’s working. Lots of folks are reacting to the increase in cases pretty dramatically.
  12. People young and old, left and right, for the most part HATE politicians. The less time a person has been a politician, the better a candidate they are in the minds of the electorate. Hilariously enough, this results in folks who can kinda suck at navigating the quagmire, because they are inexperienced.
  13. They are QB’s so they get a natural bump up. They chose to punt on taking a QB in 17. TT was on his way out. Cardale was nothing. They had their reasons but no one can argue that it wasn’t a mistake.
  14. Not the same thing. Heart failure =/= heart attack Extremely rare. You would be concerned for genetic abnormalities.
  15. Don’t be afraid to tag me! Matt Milano will be a better LB than Edmundo.
  16. Oh wow, he acts bad. Excuse me for not continuing a discussion with someone who refuses to consider the easy implication of a capricious ruling.
  17. Ruling that excecutive orders can not overturn executive orders will harm this country even more. You people just want ***** Kings and won’t be happy until we get them. Stupid ruling. Stupid Roberts.
  18. There are lots of treatment modalities for poor oxygenation. HFNC, BiPap, nonrebreather, and of course ventilation. From a healthcare standpoint, if ICU patients don’t require intubation, their length of stay in the ICU is likely less than someone who does. Unless they require pressors or some other indication to remain in the ICU. Basically, I would argue we may see a large fluctuation of icu numbers up and down over the next few weeks.
  19. I remember Tibs crowing about how awesome the nuclear option was as well. Sowing: Man, this ***** rules! Awesome! Reaping: ***** MAN THIS SUCKS
  20. Early ventilation has been pulled back a bit in the last few months, but when patients are in full on ARDS, ventilators are required. I don’t have the data in front of me but I would bet there’s a pretty decent correlation between mortality and ventilator requirements. If you aren’t worried about ventilators, why are you worried about ICU admissions? Folks can be managed on the medical floors with HFNC. What are the indications for ICU admission?
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