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Rick 'r Mortis

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Everything posted by Rick 'r Mortis

  1. Tannehill going to go all Fitz on the Bills?? Nooooo!!!
  2. It'd be cool to see a breakout have from Knox tonight.
  3. Your man status is all good. It's actually not unusual for me to get home from work and have a few before going to bed. I was eyeballing that fourth beer and decided to get a few hours of sleep instead. Up and about now...let's go Bills!
  4. About as good as his acne.
  5. I feel asleep earlier, but I'm ready for this now. Ohio! That's where I come from 😎
  6. Watching Bill's games the way I do is probably the only illegal thing I've done in my life.
  7. Ah man, that's my birfday. We always out for a birfday dinner. How she doesn't mind me streaming the game on my phone.
  8. Just home from work and 3 beers in. Let's get nuts!
  9. Romo can feel what players are thinking.
  10. Refs trying to screw the Pats...oh God, I sound like so many on this board.
  11. Can I have the opinion that it's both? But Wentz is nothing special.
  12. No. I do however, think he should be B word slapped by Edmunds instead.
  13. Even before that forced fumble Norman having a solid have after being forced in.
  14. What's up with the cartoon graphics on Fox? 🤮
  15. I'm in the only part of Ohio to get the Indi/Chi game 😂
  16. And it's not just this board, but maybe it's extra here?
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