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Rick 'r Mortis

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Everything posted by Rick 'r Mortis

  1. Couldn't care less about these late games. I've never worried about who the Bills play in the playoffs once in. Just want to see these other teams beat the crap out of reach other 😂
  2. I want to change my screen name to Hand Phighting
  3. May be the Bills only opportunity to score right here today!
  4. I'd be ecstatic if the Jets took him 😂
  5. I love watching idiots throw punches at helmets
  6. Yea...this defense doesn't look improved at all.
  7. I just learned there are 2 Perines in the league.
  8. Can someone please lay Mayfield out?
  9. Mayfield is also off. Some of those throws that last dive brought a smile to my face
  10. Less than 5 yards per pass. At least Fitz is entertaining.
  11. The 'get over it' was for every butthurt person in this thread, not you.
  12. I'll agree with you on the Cardinals. People here wanting them to miss the playoffs because they beat the Bills lol. The Bills and their the defenders lost that game...get over it.
  13. Nice. Going for it on your side of the field with 9 minutes to go 😂
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