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Rick 'r Mortis

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Everything posted by Rick 'r Mortis

  1. F the Browns, but that pick 6 was awesome.
  2. I usually like to call out people complaining about officiating...but I've never seen anything like that.
  3. Bills about to drop 50 today.
  4. Your wording is way off. Take out 'know how to'. I need to keep my eye on you.
  5. I've heard he's friends with Joe Rogan 🤭
  6. What's happening with the big block of text up top? Can anyone break it down?
  7. Haven't watched Burning, but the rest...oh man. Great list. I'll add Mother, The Chaser, and New World.
  8. I may be the only one in the history of forever that doesn't judge a victory or loss based on the performance of an opponent from earlier or later on in a season.
  9. Game of the week right here coming up.
  10. You're still spewing this BS? Do yourself a favour and STFU.
  11. That was a very Losmanesque throw and subsequent catch.
  12. They'll be accused of scumbaggery.
  13. Good enough to give the offense a chance. Which is all that matters.
  14. Ah man, I must have been peeing...first time seeing this 🙁
  15. I remember years, decades (?) of getting dominated by the Patriots. I can't remember a time that they didn't score at the end of the game even while being up by multiple scores. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. I didn't even think about it until this thread.
  16. It must be that third heel...in his pants.
  17. I ridiculed him quite heavily. He reminds me of my buddies nut job father who thinks all sports are fixed.
  18. Was about to give the lone ass hat in here the benefit of the doubt after their first post. However, it is clear they are only seeking attention after several asinine comments.
  19. Their field sucks to look at!
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