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Everything posted by Bruffalo

  1. Is it time for Mitch to come in and take us to the promised land?
  2. You know your team is in rough shape when you're getting sacked by Toohill...
  3. This is just fun. We didn't have games like this for almost 20 years. Let's just enjoy the damn moment, I love it. I watch a lot of football and there isn't a team outside of maybe the Vikings that's looked better than the Bills. This is awesome. Brady has done a lot with what everyone thought was nothing.
  4. Gotta be known for something.
  5. Grounding rules need to be revisited. Too many times QBs get away with BS (and too many times it just gets randomly called on Allen for no apparent reason)
  6. Reid might be distracted by all the affordable snacks in the ATL stadium. It'd explain the slump.
  7. I legitimately can't believe that the refs didn't bail out the Chiefs there. How is Colinsworth going to square away that Kirk "old man" Cousins is outplaying Patrick "WR screen YAC machine" Mahomes?
  8. Rice should be suspended, and I bet if he was on any other team he would be.
  9. Chiefs calling WR screens like they got a backup QB out there.
  10. So far YAC is the only thing keeping Mahomes stats looking okay.
  11. Patrick Mahomes has a turnover problem. When's that narrative gonna take off? Or is that only for Allen? Sorry Pat, no way the refs can bail you out of that INT.
  12. KC gets the best ball spots in the league consistently.
  13. You mean to tell me the guy who blew up his marriage to lead a team to go 8-9 was cranky all the time?
  14. It's random, but the kind of "TSA random check" when you would always get picked for looking vaguely Middle Eastern post 9/11.
  15. Not sure you need to be on drugs to pick six a ball that's thrown directly to you with nobody else around...
  16. You sound like you've had slightly more head trauma than Tua, so thanks for bringing that up. The Patriots are bad, dumpster level bad, Carolina Panthers-esque. Every player on that team looked like they were moving in slow motion yesterday. Congratulations on getting one up on a bottom 3 team in the NFL. We've already seen what happens when the Jets play a good team.
  17. What is it with WR's diva fathers and twitter? My dad wouldn't even come to my sporting events, much less go through the All 22, haha.
  18. Nobody is going to trade for Elam unless their CB room was in a plane crash or something equally catastrophic. He has basically no trade value. Arguably negative value because of his 1st round contract.
  19. Even still, I'd rather have Carr on my team than Geno Smith, Stafford (at this point in his career), and Baker. Baker I guess is more debatable. He's looking pretty good this year.
  20. Carr is too low. He's a better QB than the league has ever given him credit for.
  21. Worthy is #11 at 12.2%, with Legette hanging out in the dumpster at 5%. If you're looking at separation score Coleman drops a bit, and Mitchell shoots up huge, but I'm not convinced about that stat being a very useful indicator, honestly.
  22. They all seem fairly reasonable to me. Bills should be anywhere from 2-9, the Chiefs have rightfully locked up the 1 until proven otherwise. I think tiered rankings is a lot better than power rankings honestly.
  23. I'd put it more on the Philly defense but there's blame to share.
  24. Wild finish. Kudos to Cousins. What horrible defense from the Eagles on that drive. 13 seconds esque.
  25. Just woke up ~15 minutes ago after accidentally falling asleep putting my kid to bed. What an ending to this game. Fun stuff. Didn't hurt that it just got me the win in two fantasy leagues too.
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