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Ya Digg?

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Everything posted by Ya Digg?

  1. I'm still not understanding the question - the Bills don't get to decide what defense the Pats play. That's what practice in the offseason is for. They are 10-4 with a legitimate shot at beating the Pats. At this point you shouldn't be switching the formula too much. If you want to put a little more on his plate you can do that, but I'm reading your statement as just throwing him to the wolves and take the L. What if Belichek decides just not to blitz? They need to gameplan how they have been gameplanning and put the team in the best position to win.
  2. I heard someone talking about this on the radio recently in regards to quarterbacks. I don't have the exact numbers, but they were saying it is VERY rare that a quarterback's 5th year option doesn't get picked up. You have to be really bad (EJ, Johnny football) or have a terrible injury (Bridgewater) for it not to be picked up. I was surprised by that, but after thinking about it, it does make sense - You're going to give your qb every chance to succeed
  3. I don't have a fear that the Bills won't be prepared - McDermott doesn't think this way. The Steelers are another team that has beaten the teams they should and lost to the better teams. They have not beaten a team that has a decent defense yet and it's time for the Bills so show they are the better team. While I am concerned a little bit about their defense (but not if they can't generate turnovers) but I am not worried about their offense.
  4. I don’t feel this is an immediate overreaction, but this game gives me serious pause about next Sunday. Yes, he played great last week on the big stage, but in the other 2 games this year that I would consider the biggest games (today and New England) he pressed incredibly hard and did not have good games. If he can play like he did last week next week will be a win. If it’s like today though, it will probably be another loss
  5. The Cowboys have the largest following throughout the nation and it's not even close. As much as we all don't like them, they generate huge ratings and bring in a lot of money. People love it when they win and they love it when they lose. No matter what, the NFL wins when the Cowboys are on tv, simple as that.
  6. I think like most of us I had a lot of hope when Brown was signed, but was also nervous. I think it's safe to say he has far exceeded everyone's expectations of how he would do. Perfect guy for Buffalo - works hard, stays quiet, and does his job well. Now the next thing to see will be as he gets more attention, can he continue to do well and will his teammates step up to make opposing defenses pay for not focusing on them.
  7. And those defenses were ranked 4th and 6th at the time the Bills played them if I'm remembering correctly - they dropped several spots AFTER playing against the Bills
  8. I feel that he understands the importance of certain moments/games, but doesn't get overwhelmed by those moments. He also doesn't allow lesser things to get overlooked. Doesn't mean he doesn't make mistakes (Browns game) but he doesn't get too far ahead of himself
  9. Anyone just watch that Mahomes throw?? Cannot believe that wasn’t picked off!!! Point being, all quarterbacks make terrible throws each game, as Bills fans we just focus on our qb
  10. And I get a lot of what you’re saying, but just because someone celebrates doesn’t mean they aren’t team first. These guys should be allowed to celebrate. Now I’m not even going to pretend that I read through all 10 pages of this thread so if people were not respecting your opinion that’s not cool, but all of the responses I have read on both sides have been pretty cordial. I guess my response isn’t just for football, but for sports in general. I mentioned my thought with football and basketball, but you also see it with baseball and all of the “unwritten” (i.e. dumb) rules. I want the players to have a personality-do a dance, celebrate with your team, but play within the rules, which again playing within the rules isn’t really an old school thing
  11. The “old school” way of thinking baffles me. Why are these guys not allowed to celebrate? Now I will agree that doing an elaborate first down dance because you got a first down on 2nd and 3 can be a bit much, but why do people rag on these guys for having fun? Let’s stop making it seem like the “old school” was this amazing form of football/entertainment. It was old school to hate the offense on your own team if you played on the defense and vice versa. It was old school to deliberately headhunt a player well after the play was over. Those guys played well outside the rules-it wasn’t football. What’s next you’re going to tell me that the NBA in the 90’s is so much better than today? It wasn’t better, you just had less athletic guys who couldn’t play basketball trying to tackle the amazing athletes like Jordan so he wouldn’t score 50 every game.
  12. Alexander-2 penalties on returns that pinned the Bills deep in their own territory
  13. I'm sure I missed it somewhere, if not several comments about it, but did Lee Smith even play yesterday? I didn't see multiple unnecessary holding calls and false starts so I didn't even notice him.
  14. I think he played well early - wasn't getting the stats, but was there on a lot of plays, causing disruptions for his teammates. Seemed to hit a wall the last couple of weeks but played really well yesterday. I will say yesterday was his best game so far though.
  15. I really hope this is you just trying to be funny.....but you missed the mark BIG TIME
  16. The defense is certainly in better shape than the offense, but they are both linked. We already know the offense is not very strong, so to consistently ask them to drive 75+ yards is a lot to ask. The defense NEEDS to generate more turnovers and more pressure. It’s as simple as that. Then when those turnovers happen, the offense had to do something with the ball. The defense finally does something besides force a punt when they got the safety, and then the offense goes 3 and out because Lee Smith had gone almost 2 quarters without committing a penalty (why is this guy still on the team?!?!) so while I don’t put a lot on the defense, they need to do a better job of creating turnovers to help out the offense
  17. Sure, everyone can spot the difference maker AFTER they start making a difference, but no one thought Aaron Donald was going to be THIS good. If so, he would’ve been the top pick in his draft, not someone drafted in the teens
  18. According to the same site, his average salary is ranked 19th in the league for his position....how is that overrated? Actually seems pretty accurate. He's the probably the only person on Bills who other coaches actually scheme for...is he putting up the numbers he has in the past? No, but I would argue he is still a disruptive player. And as others have said, the Bills have plenty of cap space, they weren't signing a top pass rusher this past offseason, and his numbers drops significantly next year.
  19. Not saying that it wasn't, but that picture doesn't scream "definitely will be overturned." The ball is really close, I don't feel Norman's timing is off by that much. Like I said, it was pass interference, but not worth the challenge and was never going to be overturned
  20. I really liked how Knox played yesterday. He blocked well, and he made a much more concerted effort to focus on the ball when it was thrown to him. On the play down by the goal line and the catch that was close to a first down, while he didn't what he wanted on either play he kept the ball secure. I think yesterday was a big step in his progression
  21. To me, this is another one of those games that those on this board who doubt the Bills (far too many) will love. If the Bills win, they get to say "well Cleveland is 2-7 so it's another easy game that the Bills should win" and if the Bills lose they get to say "I told you they weren't that good!" Personally I'm feeling pretty optimistic after yesterday's game. Yes I know all of the excuses (It was Washington, it was a rookie, they didn't blow them out, blah blah blah) but the Bills played a solid game. Singletary played great, Allen continues to cut down on his mistakes, they made adjustments to stopping the run for the second half. We knew from the beginning that the Bills would win their games in an ugly fashion. Now that it's happening we shouldn't be surprised. I'm quite happy with being the worst 6-2 ever, that's better than being the best 2-6 team ever
  22. Isn’t the point to win the game? I get that you want to see progress, but it seems that “progress” means 300 yds and 3 tds by Allen and a shut out by the defense when they allow less then 100 yards. Obviously I’m exaggerating for effect, but don’t ignore the turnovers that Allen hasn’t been making, how much more in control he seems, and he’s coming through when he needs to. I’ll take 160 yds and a win every day over Fitz consistently throwing for 300+ in a losing effort
  23. He's still good enough to get pressure (although not all the time now) but not good enough to get a lot of sacks. He definitely needs someone opposite him that the line needs to focus on at this point
  24. I don't understand why the same argument used AGAINST Buffalo is not used against New England. The knock is the Bills haven't played a top team yet (besides the Patriots) so we don't really know how good their defense actually is. The Patriots have played terrible teams up until now, yet no one is holding that against them - people just keep saying how great they are! I'm not saying that their defense isn't good - they are getting turnovers, they are putting up historic numbers at this point, yada yada, but they needed all of those turnovers to barely beat Buffalo (while giving up almost 400 yards!) I've been reading here for a long time, finally felt compelled enough to sign up - media, fans, everyone needs to look past the numbers and actually watch the teams play....myself included!
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