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Ya Digg?

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Everything posted by Ya Digg?

  1. These GM’s are paid millions of dollars, have multi-million dollar scouting departments, have been talking about these guys for months and you think all of a sudden their opinion is going to change because Peter King says he is no good?! Wow, just wow
  2. While $20 million is obviously a lot of money, why would he play for a team he doesn't want to play for and risk injury and miss out on $80-$100 million, if not more? If he signs and Jacksonville doesn't trade him and he blows out his knee or achilles then he would cost himself a ton of money
  3. It's better than the red ones they had with the Patriot on the helmet bent over ready to, uh, receive it. If those ones weren't the worst uniforms in the league they were a very close 2nd or 3rd worst
  4. With Diggs in the picture, it's going to be really hard for teams to keep up! Sure a team like KC has a better offense, but they don't have the defense if the Bills offense gets rolling. Bills showed last year that they have what it takes to contain Lamar as well. This article definitely has me drinking the kool-aid right now, and I love it!
  5. I like the black on black, the throwback, white on white and white on black. Don't like the ATL on the front of the jersey though
  6. There is a reason why Barkley was still available when the Bills picked him up, what was it, 10 or so days before he had to start a game. Everyone likes him, gets along great with Josh, he had ONE great game against the Jets, but why is this the one spot people keep fighting for to not improve? I simply cannot for the life of me wrap my head around why so many people would rather have Barkley as the back up over Cam or Flacco if those guys were willing to come here and be the back up. Or if not those two, you mean to tell me that there is not one other guy some of you would like to have here to play the most important position on the field other than Matt Barkley in the event that Allen get hurt? Again, I think he a good guy, but you are completely 1,000% lying to yourself if you feel that position can’t be upgraded
  7. Wait, the Steelers moves up 6 spots? What exactly did they do to move up 6 spots? They didn’t upgrade any position-yes getting Big Ben back is nice, but that’s a huge jump! It has also been known he was coming back, so I’m confused...I just don’t get it
  8. I can’t help but think if the Bills has just kept Brandon Reilly and Austin Proehl they would have never gotten into this mess, I mean there’s two #1’s right there!
  9. So let me start this by saying I am thankful there are so many level headed people in regards to this trade. NO, the Bills did not give up too much in the trade, not at all. They didn’t even give up a ton or “pay a steep price.” Perhaps I missed it in the massive Diggs thread, but the ones who are saying the Bills gave up too much are not saying what they would have given up or where they would have drawn the line. So if you feel they gave up too much, please enlighten me on what would have been a “fair trade.” (Insert eye roll at that phrase)
  10. So I’m confused, do the Bills have enough money to get every top free agent or do they have no money at all?
  11. I would take him as the back up. To me it comes down to if Josh goes down, who do you have more faith in winning a couple of games-Flacco or Barkley. Personally I would have a lot more confidence in Flacco going 2-2 over a 4 game stretch with the weapons the Bills have than Barkley. Watching Barkley in the New England game for me last year was hard. Very likable guy, supports Josh, but I feel Flacco has more talent
  12. I don’t get all of the “Hooper is the final piece” love. We complain about our own average guys getting paid, but people would have been ok with Hooper being the highest paid right end in the league? He is good, above average dare I say, but i have no problem with the Bills not giving Hooper the money that he got. Is he another weapon-yes. The all-in piece??? No way
  13. I agree with this completely. A lot would be giving up multiple picks in the top 3 rounds, that would have been a lot. This is a back up safety, a flyer on a project wide receiver, and maybe a back up linebacker plus a first rounder for Diggs. You make that trade all the time
  14. For a 2nd and a 5th?? So the ravens essentially got the same thing the Texans got for Hopkins!!
  15. I understand that there is a cap so teams can only spend so much, but at no point should there ever be a limit on how much a player can make. This includes Allen-he should not take a discount. These players have a very short amount of time to maximize what they can get paid, and they should push for every dollar they can get. Teams have shown year after year that these contracts can be manipulated so you can continue to sign guys. This argument always baffles me. So you are in favor of the billionaire owner getting even more money? Obviously as fans we root for the Jersey not the player so we want them to sign for as little as possible and they should just “be happy playing a kids game.” Let these guys make as much as they can.
  16. I always find that statement interesting as well. Why shouldn’t these guys want a raise? I honestly think that this is said a lot of times for one of 2 reasons: first, people are unreasonably jealous that these players make so much money playing a “kids” game and second because fans always back the team, not the players. Think about what happens as soon as a player leaves in Buffalo-there are million threads talking about how that player was garbage and we should all be glad they are gone. These guys should get paid as much as they can get. It’s the front office’s job to work these contracts to have all of the guys they want in the team. There are always ways to structure contracts so you stay under the cap now. But sure, the players should honor their contract but the team doesn’t need to
  17. As someone who’s screen name is Pay Poyer, I feel as though i have to comment. Obviously I think he should get paid. He has far exceeded anyone’s expectations and I don’t believe you should break up that tandem in the back. He plays hard, for the most part plays smart, and knows this defense. You have others who will need contracts soon, but you can front load his contract to ease the burden when those other guys need to get paid
  18. Well no, not right now, right now they are competitive. Only after they leave Buffalo do they all of a sudden have bad attitudes ?
  19. With the game on the line, the O line didn’t step up. Late in the 4th, you’ve gotten into fg position, and Allen barely has time to catch the snap before he has guys in his face...for 2 plays in a row!!! The line got bailed out by the defense stopping the Texans on 4th down and the Bills were able to eventually kick the field goal, but the line was terrible in the second half. To be fair they did have some plays where the blocking was great and Josh had all day and didn’t do enough on those (looking at you, deep pass to DiMarco) but as much as the line improved this year, they still have a ways to go
  20. I’m not saying that Allen doesn’t deserve blame, but he’s not the one who gave up 19 points in the second half. And yes, he made some boneheaded decisions (throwing deep to a FB, that lateral) but let’s not forget some of the GREAT throws he made-the throw across the field to Duke, the laser to Singletary on third down across his body as he was forced to the sideline, the perfect throw to Duke in the end zone (tough catch but it could’ve been made). This is the problem with social media today. Very rarely do people acknowledge the good and bad. If you didn’t like Allen from the beginning you are always looking at the flaws. If you’re in team Allen you are always looking for other reasons why the team played poorly. Was he a reason for the loss last night-yes. If he is in your top 2 or 3 reasons why they lost though you weren’t watching the same game I was
  21. I think the key is linebacker play. I feel as though the lines will do their job (offense and defense) and the secondary will do their job, so it’s up to Edmonds and Milano to have a good game. They can’t be taken out like they were against New England. I’d they both play well, that will make Houston much more one dimensional and plays into the Bills strength
  22. The responses to this topic certainly show that the saying is true - the backup qb is the most popular guy in the team. The Bills have the money and with Allen’s playing style they must get a better backup for next year. I realize he was not playing with the starters, but nothing he did yesterday instilled any confidence that he could handle multiple starts in a row. Seems like a good guy, but I think getting another qb to back up Josh has to be on the list of things to do in the offseason
  23. Hyperbole is fun, isn’t it? To put it all on the OC and not any blame on execution is just really lazy. I’m not saying Daboll did amazing things this year but this is a bit extreme
  24. You still have to play starters no matter what. There just isn’t enough room on a roster to only play backups. Sure, rest some of the guys and yes there are a handful you can just make inactive, but there are still guys who are important to the team during the playoffs who have to play. I understand the premise of what’s being said here, but I get the feeling people think you can just pull every starter and have them sit out most/all of the game.
  25. It could be my extreme dislike for the guy, but Marcus Peters made the pro bowl?? Someone is going to need to explain that one to me. He was seen as expendable by the rams yet somehow gets picked. Yes I know he has at least 1 pick six, but he gets burned frequently on double moves. What a joke.
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