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Ya Digg?

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Everything posted by Ya Digg?

  1. Uhhhhh didn’t Mahomes also get his big deal after his third season as well??
  2. I apologize if this had been mentioned earlier, but for as good as Herbert supposedly is, he throws behind his receivers a ton. It’s almost as if he just kind of throws it up and hopes his receivers go get it
  3. So then where was this thread when he ran for 8 yards or another game when he ran for 30 yards? As others have said he looks decent (not very good) because of the line and he’s definitely not the focus of the other team’s defense. He was thought of so poorly that Jacksonville just cut him
  4. Wish I could give this more than 1 beer
  5. Those apparently don’t count because it doesn’t fit the current narrative
  6. You think QB is even?? Come on, you can be nervous about the game, but you’re saying that a rookie QB is pretty much as good as Josh-so if the Bills had Jones you wouldn’t be that disappointed
  7. Why should we as fans forget about the 1 seed? Why are so many convinced that the players only focus is the 1 seed? The players and coaches constantly preach playing 1 game at a time and going 1-0 every week. Of course you need to win the division first, but that’s something the Bills can control, which is why a Pats win today is the better outcome. Brings the Titans back to everyone else, and if the Bills take care of the Pats then that puts both the division and the 1 seed in play
  8. Really it comes down to rooting with your heart vs rooting with your head. Rooting for NE to lose today is just someone who can’t get over the past. New England winning today is the better outcome assuming you haven’t jumped off the cliff and realize Buffalo can beat New England both times they play them. The Titans are hurting and likely have a couple more losses in them-if the Bills can take care of what they need to take care of, then you want the Pats to win today. In my mind someone rooting for the Titans tells me you don’t think Buffalo can handle their business
  9. See these are the comments I don’t get-is this sarcasm and it just came off terribly or are you really saying you want our QB to be “less of a football player”? He can’t stay in the pocket because there is hardly ever a pocket for him to stay in. So you guys want him to stay in the pocket and get crushed just so the Bills can maybe get 1 roughing the passer penalty-doesn’t seem smart at all to me
  10. Completely agree with this-I like Breida and definitely think he adds a jolt to the team, but there’s also a reason why he was inactive so often the first half of the season and why he has been on several teams over the past couple of years
  11. Well according to some on here, if you don’t have an all pro at every position and have starter level quality players as your back ups who all play on team friendly deals then your GM is a failure
  12. Which 49ers team are you talking about? The one that went 2-14 a couple of years ago? The one that had a losing record last year? The one that has a worse record than the Bills this year? And the Browns team that got blown out last week and barely beat the Lions today?
  13. Because new is ALWAYS better, duh…seriously though people think that getting rid of these guys will help solve the problem, but my guess is many of them don’t have a solid solution if asked. Cool, get rid of Beane and McDermott, but who do you replace them with? And what’s the guarantee that those new guys will somehow do better than a team that is constantly now in the playoff hunt and can contend to go deep in the playoffs?
  14. Dude back off the ledge-so you’re saying that today did it for you?? At no point during the 20 year drought did you feel like this, but today, with a team that is still 6-4, went to the AFC championship game last year, playoffs 3 of the last 4 years, today made you not want to root for the team any more? Yikes Literally last week, and don’t give me the “it was the Jets” crap. Or how about the beatings they put on the Dolphins and Texans? Or how about the absolutely convincing win against the Chiefs in KC on a national stage
  15. Asking an honest question, but can you show me an interview or something like that that shows they “bought into their own hype”? Having a couple of bad games doesn’t mean they bought into their own hype. Teams have just been able to expose this team’s weaknesses
  16. So can we already start calling out Klein?? If it was Edmunds he would be getting crushed. Klein is supposedly better at stopping the run, he’s not doing a thing
  17. Even if/when it does rain, I want the back to back possessions. With the Bills defense, they could force a quick 3 and out to start the game and then potentially get the ball at the end of the first and start the second. That’s too good of a deal for me in a trade off for a dry ball
  18. It’s crazy isn’t it?? Lose to Jacksonville and all of a sudden people are saying they would be surprised if the Bills even beat the Jets and I have also been reading people say all week that several Bills will need to play the games of their lives to barely beat the Colts-it’s madness, madness I tell you!!!
  19. Right?!?! Just think about all of the all pro, diamond in the rough linemen the Bills passed on to pick this guy!
  20. So the only one I will take issue with is #5. While he is a little bit slower to get his punt off, the block during the Steelers game happened because the Bills just forgot to block on that one. He doesn't hit booming punts, but I don't think the Bills want him to. To me, his most important job is on holds and he obviously is very good at that
  21. Fine genius, explain to me how the ball went forward then-he wasn’t hit from behind, so the only way that ball went forward is if his arm went forward. Simple physics
  22. That was 100% an incomplete pass-no way that ball travels forward from where he was hit of his arm wasn’t going forward. As much as I wanted that to be a fumble, that was definitely the correct call
  23. I think their offense plays perfectly into what the Bills defense does well. Everything short, keep it in front of you-I don’t see their offense being very successful. They communicate so well that it also makes it easy to disguise different looks and coverages
  24. I think it's more of what the offensive line allows the team to do as opposed to what kind of offense the Bills run. They have enough fire power that it doesn't matter if you know what's coming, if the line can hold up consistently you won't be able to stop them, just like teams really can't against Tampa, the Rams, etc. If the line can't hold up (which it hasn't been able to lately) then it makes it really hard to do all of the things the team wants to do in order to be successful. Last year by mid to late season teams knew what the Bills were going to do but they were powerless to stop it. Teams don't have enough on the back end to keep up with everything the Bills can do, but if the team can get to the QB, against the Bills line there is trouble. Certainly things need to be tweaked, but I think if they can figure out the offensive line a lot of the problems go away (and yes, I know that's easier said than done)
  25. It seems that a lot of people this week keep talking about using check downs at the expense of Josh going through his professions and reads. It’s obvious the Bills don’t use a check down offense-his check down is his last resort. This is not to say some of those check down plays weren’t there against the Jags, but I have seen people posting that Josh should’ve been throwing to his check down in about 2 seconds. Yes Josh and Daboll could utilize that more, but reading the comments from some people this week it’s almost as if people are longing for the Trent Edwards days again
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