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Everything posted by Gonzonzo

  1. I have the same nerves as when Argentina played the world cup final with Germany in Brazil Hope for a better result this time....
  2. This game is on our OL. If they give Allen enough time to trow, we have a lot of chances to win. The Allen cadence, trying to identificate where the blitz is coming is going to be huge too.
  3. We need to use blue shirt, so the ravens cant use their black . I believe the black color makes easier to Lamar hide the ball in the RPO or option plays.
  4. NO. This year in PO you have all the player from your practice squad avialable to play (unlimited elevations). Even if he is done, the best thing you can do is dont IR him, make him in a week to week or even day to day status and make your rival prepare for a player with unique skills like beasly.
  5. In Italia 90 Word Cup, Argentina plays Brazil in elimination game (round of 16). in some moment of the game, a brazilian player drinks water from a Argentinian assitant waterbotle and it is believed that the water had xanax (a drug). here is the history in spanish (I cant find the history in english, but you can use the translator - or learn spanisha). https://as.com/futbol/2020/06/24/reportajes/1592979406_201752.html
  6. In the no look TD, Allen pointed the referee two times waiting he trow the flag. The point that amazes me is the diference in the time it takes to JA to process a play. Every year he looks to be faster, and thats make him more acurate.
  7. I saw today some of the Browns - Steelers game and the diference in pocket presence between Allen and Mayfield ir remarkable.
  8. may they can do a Osweiller type of trade. Trade Wentz and a 2nd round pick to some team whith a lot a cap space.
  9. great move. good player and possible compensatory pick. Beane is a wizard.
  10. If we lose him at the end of the year, Does he count for the compensatory pick formula?
  11. The Bills are 4-0 under Mc Dermont after the bye. If he decided to play back ups, be sure the strarters are going to be ready for the PO.
  12. Dont know if I am the only one, but I dont Josh wins MVP this season. He is extremlly competitive and I prefer he has this chip in his shoulder and destroy the rivals next season (again).
  13. Did you know Nick O'Leary's grandfather is the legendary golfer Jack Nicklaus.???
  14. Landry is the only profesional sport player that I hope get injured every tima he touch the ball. Hi is scumbag.
  15. The Titans are one game behind (if win today), so wining the next to games are not just about the second seed, is about stays in 3° and avoid KC in round 2°.
  16. Moss need to run with most power in that pay. he can t go back, he need to fall foward and is a easy first down (obisuly is easier to say than done).
  17. me makes a great block in josh run td.
  18. HAHAHAHAH dawkins in the hudle telling how is he going to celebrate. the play was for him but he was covered.
  19. 20 years ago I was working in a bank The american football here in argentina was a sport almost nobody saw or undestand At that time, I never talk about the sport or the bills, beacause every time I talk, the people look at me li if I was a rare person. One day, in a break I start to talk with a teammate and because I remembered he lived in US. Told him I like footbal (because I was desesperate to talk with somebody who undertand the sport). After few minute, he ask me if I like some team and i told "Bills". ¿He look at me and told me ¿"how do you know"? He was a bills fans! maybe the only two bills fans at that time in all the country. I need to name like 30 players and plays of the bills history and then he really believe me. Fast forward, The other day, after almos 10 years without talk, I send a wasap message..."In february I see you in the obelisc (the place where the people celebrate his team championship) Two minutes later, I recive his mesage "vamos los bills". THE BILLS ARE A FAMILY! LOS BILLS SON UNA FAMILIA!
  20. maybe rodgers too. I was really surprised with the lack of speed in Tua Trows.
  21. after Josh for three seasons, when I see a game of other team, I feel like others QB trows the ball very slow.
  22. even if you fail one time, you have 7 instead of 6
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