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Everything posted by CorkScrewHill

  1. So bill belechik had never gone a game where the opponent had not punted until 3 weeks ago against us .. now 6 quarters in Still no punt … go Bills
  2. I think to ensure the full effect you need a drink with ice to replicate the cold feeling of the stadium.
  3. The real tell will be how quickly and how fervently Tua's teammates defend him. If they don't that is a bad sign that Tua does not have the lockerroom the way you want a franchise guy to.
  4. There was discussion as to whether Jalen Mills was 100% out. Sal indicated that he was .. and some people pushed back he could get in under the wire. Per cbssports .. he is indeed OUT. https://www.cbssports.com/fantasy/football/news/patriots-jalen-mills-out-saturday/
  5. Some of this speaks to the way the game has changed, but it is nice milestone
  6. The owner likes Tua. It appears Flores didn't. Per Lombardi “Remember I said there was commentary between the head coach and Tua during the season and I wouldn’t reveal what the conversation was. Well, the conversation was, hey, if I’d have knew you were going to be this bad, I would have picked Mac Jones. That’s the conversation.” I kinda feel bad for Tua as he may not be a great QB .. but that is harsh Full story here: https://www.masslive.com/patriots/2022/01/brian-flores-told-tua-tagovailoa-he-should-have-picked-patriots-qb-mac-jones-instead-per-michael-lombardi.html
  7. @SlimShady'sSpaceForce The video that is displayed is only the 1 minute cut. You may want to replace it with the full 22 minute video. It is pretty awesome.
  8. There is a difference between cold and potentially life threatening cold. There have been right around 500 games in Buffalo and this will be the second coldest. You have people already worried about Covid and then throw this into the mix and many people do not want to take the risk. I personally would love a dome, but I do think you can be unwilling to go to this specific game, but still want an open air stadium.
  9. Patriots injury update: Jamie Collins back at practice. Jalen Mills (Covid) and Isaiah Wynn (ankle / Knee) still out. They also mentioned Kyle Dugger was not around. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/jamie-collins-returns-to-patriots-practice-jalen-mills-isaiah-wynn-still-missing-report/ar-AASKJxJ
  10. That is a interesting question. There were a few things 1) I like the fact that he is monotone and analytical.. I used to like watching sports shows but they are now mainly good cop / bad cop segments where people take sides and yell at each other. It seems to be planned. The nice thing is when he does get hyped about an aspect of the play .. I think it shows. I think he really did marvel at the JA17 to Diggs play. 2) I think he does a great job of slowing down the plays and talking through what is happening. I think similar to Baldy. Neither will ever say anything negative, but he might if he were retired. At present he has to avoid bulletin board material. In the end you get to choose whether you like it or not. I do, you don't .. no worries.
  11. He obviously is not going to say anything negative, but it is really amazing to hear him break down some of our plays. If he ever decides to give up the hoodie and work in a television booth he will be must watch TV.
  12. There is a great show on ABC about people who feel compelled to write annoying responses to posts to show how "witty" they are. They are looking for new talent .. and I am certain they would love you.
  13. For all the people who responded they would not rewatch a game … why did you even bother reading / responding to the post. It was intended for those who might be interested in watching. If you aren’t interested.. just ignore for crying out loud
  14. Just started 2nd half. Looking forward to rewatching week 18 game at midnight .. nfl network
  15. I think Muki's tweet confirms Kevin Massare's tweet .. there was high interest and maybe still is. Don't know the guy, but it appears that his original tweet was not the train wreck we thought it was.
  16. Love when he is talking to the Jets guy at the end and the Jets player can't believe how "lit" the Bills fans are.
  17. I was very interested in Anthony Lynn staying on, was neutral on McDermott (much like draft choices you just never know). Anthony Lynn was fired by Chargers last year and he was just fired as OC of the Lions yesterday. Doubt he would come back, but the players really respected him. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2022/01/10/anthony-lynn-out-as-lions-offensive-coordinator/
  18. Put him on the PS .. nice COVID / injury insurance. We still have 4 games to get through
  19. Did anyone notice who was standing in DIRECTLY in front of McDermott. Is it just possible he was yelling at the referee. I know I have never seen a player scream at a ref about a blown call .... oh my goodness this was SOOOOOOOOO overhyped. I think I can now state with some certainty that the reason nobody made a deal about it is 25% of players in any given game yell at the refs. Unless @BADOLBILZwas next to McDermott that is very much the most likely explanation.
  20. In fairness .. if people had stayed on point, "did anyone else see this" .. there would have been no issue .. yes or no.
  21. @BADOLBILZ did not start a rumor. he asked a question .. did anyone else see what I thought I saw. this thread has expanded on the OPs question to ridiculous lengths.
  22. I don't know @BADOLBILZ but with a few simple clicks you can see he is a long standing member of TBD who seems to be respected in general. He laid out a scenario that he thought he saw and simply asked for clarification if anyone else saw it. The thread has since dissolved into "hot" takes on @BADOLBILZ, Cole Beasley, and of course COVID response. So far nobody else seemed to have noticed it, so maybe he misread the situation, maybe he didn't. In any event, his question and post was fine and the rest of this is a complete train wreck. Maybe only respond if you actually have insights into his question .. and save the Cole bashing for an already existing thread. His take on COVID is a worn topic and really is irrelevant to this thread .. so ...
  23. Agreed .. somewhat due to the fact that it was a new concept. There were a few things I particularly liked in this one. 1) The fact that Darryl Talley was in it. He was a true warrior for us and it was sad that he fell on some hard times. 2) I loved the fact that Darryl had a Spider-Man glass; and 3) The where would you rather be reference.
  24. Please know that @FilthyBeast is nothing more than the Nick Wright or similar espn "personality" that makes statements for attention, and doubles down even when their argument is faulty. All of your points are factual, but he simply does not care about the facts. Don't waste your time, you have better things to do I am certain than to match wits with a troll.
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