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Mike F

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Posts posted by Mike F

  1. Sports Illustrated tried a similar story back in the eighties, printing a story about a pitcher named Sidd Finch. He could throw the ball well over a hundred miles per hour and he wore a work boot on one foot, when in uniform.................he was supposed to be the new phenom for the Mets.


    That story got a ton of folks since it was actually in print, in the magazine, for the baseball preview that year.


    They even used a similar tactic about hiding April Fools in the body of the story.......................even still, nice job on this story. :thumbsup:



  2. A-Train would seem to be the early leader for the starting position.........but, what if Marv and Co. really like the RB from NFL Europe (Fred Jackson, I believe) and think he can be the future at RB for us? (or at least be part of a platoon)


    The kid sounds like a "Marv" kind of player......unheralded, multidimensional (the leader in NFLE all purpose yards, which indicates rushing, receiving and ST play) and a hard worker (taking a different route to the NFL).


    I am not saying he is the answer, but he will be in the mix, IMO.






    Could it be that Buffalo doesn't draft a RB with a 1st or 2nd rd pick and just goes with A-Train and another FA RB? Some have posted that it's a deeper draft for RBs next year and maybe this is where the Bills get their RB of the future. I do agree that an improved O-Line may allow us to use a RBBC approach. Using our early rd picks on other needs may be the way to go.
  3. I wanted to take some time to process the McGahee deal, before posting anything.


    My first reaction was mixed..........we now have a large hole in the backfield, but at the same time we rid ourselves of a potential malcontent who may have been more trouble then he would have been worth for 2007. Not to mention, he was going to walk after 2007 anyway, IMO, so getting some value for him is smart.


    Then, somewhere between my first and second cup of coffee, I began thinking about another team that doesn't mind making changes at RB............Denver.


    If you look at the Broncos, they have had quite a few different RB's over the years and each one has been successful. The key in Denver, obviously, is an excellent offensive line (the biggest key for any offense, finally realized by our administration) :lol:


    Which brings me to my point...............we now have the pieces in place for a much improved, dare I say good, offensive line.


    If the line comes together (fingers crossed), I don't think we will miss Willis..................Mike

  4. IF the Bills stay close, then the A-Train should do well.................but chances are better that the Colts will start fast, causing the Bills to play catch up. That means more passing yards and fewer carries for the RB's.


    A better fantasy option on the Bills would be Lee Evans.........keep an eye on Joseph Addai for the Colts. With a lead, the Colts would work the clock..........Addai has slowly become the featured back for Indy.





    Colts have worst run defense in the league (how a team can be considered #1 and worst in run defense at the same time is beyond me, but anyway ...)


    This is A-Train's first start in Buffalo.


    He looked good in a few runs in the opener against the Pats

    Not so great in a few limted carries after the pats and before Pack game

    And very good when he took over for McGahee in the first quarter of the pack game


    A-Train has all the motivation knowing thta at 29 this is his last chance to be a starter in the NFL again


    Bills should also run it a lot because they won't be able to throw it well with their weak passing game in a very noisy dome.


    I look for A-Train to have a break out game where he rushes for 150 yards, at least 1 TD and also catches a few passes for another 20 yards.


    He's the #1 sleeper fantasy pick of the week


  5. Keep in mind that Green Bay has one of the worst defenses against the pass in the entire NFL.


    Losman + Home Game + Bad Pass Defense = Big Day?


    Nah...............I have been on the "give JP time" side of the argument, but even I am starting to wonder if he will ever "get it".


    Shouldn't there be some improvement? A sign of progress?


    It's not like we are playing the Bears on the road, right?


    Yeesh.......Mike :unsure:




    They will be the reason we lose this game. Totally left the rest of the team hanging today. It may not be all Losman but the clock is a tickin'.................


  6. I did not say that is definitely what is taking place, nor did I say it was the only reason why he is sitting out (still). My question was fair and it is possible that Spikes is pissed at the Bills management for the handling of Troy Vincent.


    God forbid anyone proposes a topic for conversation that runs counter to the popular belief on this board. You would have thought that I linked Takeo with Al Qaeda.


    Gotta love the Two Bills Drive "attack the poster, not the topic" M.O.





    Absolutley Not!  Put the pipe down


  7. ........has anyone, even privately, considered that Spikes may be staging his own "silent protest" over the way the Bills dealt with Troy Vincent?


    Takeo was outspoken about the transaction, and has since been quite both on (meaning he has not played) and off the field.


    I am not questioning his heart, nor am I saying he is completely healthy. Recovering from his Achilles surgery, and his tweaked hamstring is not easy.


    But...............it also would not surprise me if he was able to play, but instead, was choosing no to as a message.



  8. Interesting, but I have a question for you. If 8-8, or even 9-7 is "possible" or even "probable" as you stated, then wouldn't we already be in a position to challenge for a playoff slot? <_<


    Look at the parity in the AFC...............9-7 would be on the edge of wild card contention, and may even be the last wild card team (if tie breakers go our way).


    Even if we fall short at 9-7, why would it take two more drafts to make up the extra game (10-6) that would get us in?


    Personally, I think we are more of a 7-9 squad, that will use 2006 as a building block for a playoff run in 2007.








    We should have reason to think that this team can play 500 ball. Here's why...


    1. Wideout -


    Our depth at WR is better than it has been in 10 years. We have speed on the edge (Evans, Parrish, Price) size and awareness in the slot (Reed, A. Davis). These guys are going to be running in an offense that emphasizes downfield attack. We may see plently of three-and-outs early in the year, but eventually these guys are going to get open. JP can throw a decent deep ball, and was generally is more accurate in his delivery beyond 15 yards. Each veteran receiver has had a successful season. You'll see a lot of deep outs and deep crossing patterns, with check offs to the tight ends and the backs. Last year the check offs were to the slot receivers. I also see Nance making this team, and Aiken getting cut.


    Of course, a downfield attack needs good protection...


    2. O-Line -


    From left to right:


    Gandy: Despite what some people say on this board, Gandy was a steal. He is solid, unspectacular, and holds his blocks longer than any other member of the line. Reyes will help his consistency in runblocking, as Fairchild will badd more counters to the Bills run repertoire. Last year we couldn't run to the left, and certainly couldn't run a counter, because the Center and LG would always lose 2 feet of ground at the snap.


    Reyes: Highly functional guard. Rarely makes mistakes, and doesn't give ground. The Panthers run game favored the quick hit, but could also run misdirections.


    Fowler: Like Gandy, he wont go to the pro bowl, but our days of seeing the center pushed into the backfield 2 out of every 3 plays are over.


    Villarial: He'll have a couple of stinkers this year, but he is solid, anchored, and mean.  Also, playing for Jauron again has him taking on more of a leadership role. We may see his best season this year.


    Peters: The Bills haven't developed a Pro-Bowl caliber tackle in 12 years. Jason Peters will end that streak this year.


    This group must stay healthy - our depth is poor. The only player that can step in on any consistent basis is Duke Preston. Aaron Gibson, Geisinger, and McFarland wont make the team. Brad Butler is Gandy-like, but is not an NFL caliber player yet. He was the weak link of the Virginia line.


    and finally...


    3. DBs -


    I think we have the best cornerback depth in our division, and maybe the conference. Clements will have a monster year, and both he and McGee will make the pro bowl. Ashton Youbouty will be the dime back, and Jabari Greer will be the Nickel back. Eric King will not make the team. Troy Vincent will start the season at FS, but Ko Simpson will have the job by the last 4 games. The surprise will be at SS, where Whitner will share time with Coy Wire.


    We are another two drafts away from contending in the playoffs, but an 8-8 or 9-7 season is not only not impossible, but highly probable.


  9. Exactly...............it is funny when you look at the schedule and our "chances" to win each game.


    There are several "pivotal" games as you go along (not that all of them are not important).


    The Houston game would be, if things unfolded as I think they will. The first Jet game would be the biggest, if we are coming home at 0-2.






    Mike F,


    The way you write it up, it looks like the season hinges on the Houston game.  3-6 and going on the road against, as you say, a similar team, if we drop that one, then I'd see players starting to give up and the season taking a nose dive.  If we win, the Monday discussion on TSW will be who we need to lose to get the tie breakers.  Big Difference.


  10. With expectations low (and rightfully so), I think the Bills will surprise some folks this year. Am I talking playoffs? No........but if they develop a "Marv-like" attitude (never say die), with an emphasis on playing smart football (limit turnovers and play good defense), I don't see them picking first in the 2007 Draft, either. :)


    The two biggest questions marks are the OL (which we have solid players to stock) and QB (hopefully we find a serviceable starter in the group). Our defense should rebound with a vengeance using the "cover 2 scheme" (this unit was top five material the past few season) and we have solid skill position players on offense (including JP if he gets his head out of his......well, you know).


    Let me know what you think of my thoughts on the upcoming season.






    Sun 09/10 @ New England Patriots CBS 1:00 PM


    Rough opener on the road, against an aging, but talented team. They have a lot to prove, as well. I don't see us winning this match up in any scenario, actually. (0-1)



    Sun 09/17 @ Miami Dolphins CBS 1:00 PM


    Contrary to what the media thinks (at least here in Florida), the Dolphins are not going to the SB. They have as many OL questions as we do. Not to mention, Culpepper is coming off a major injury, with a new team to boot. If we play smart football, we may steal this one. To be fair, I see us losing a close ballgame late, in the Florida heat. (0-2)



    Sun 09/24 NEW YORK JETS CBS 1:00 PM


    With the pressures of an 0-2 start, plus a very disorganized Jets team (more questions then we have) this early in the season, I think we play well in our home opener and cruise to a comfortable win. (1-2)





    This brings us to the key early game in our schedule. A win here and we are at .500............a loss and we are in an early 1-3 hole. I am not scared of the Vikings, especially their defense. Brad Johnson is a solid veteran, but he can be rattled (since he is as fast as Bledsoe) with even an average pass rush. Again, playing well at home is a must. I think we squeeze out a close win thanks to our Special Teams and Rian Lindell. (2-2)



    Sun 10/8 @ Chicago Bears CBS 1:00 PM


    OK, we head to Chicago with some confidence as a .500 team, not to mention the Dick Jauron story line (former Bears coach). But, the Bears are for real and we may get mashed pretty good by their sick defense. Our defense, much improved by the way, mostly holds the Bears in check, but they only need a few points to win this one. (2-3)



    Sun 10/15 @ Detroit Lions CBS 1:00 PM


    Road games are a b%$ch in the NFL! The Lions figure to be much better on the offensive side of the ball, with Mike Martz calling plays and better QB (Kitna). The defense leaves a bit to be desired, but I see us getting outscored on the road, unfortunately. Another late loss that we will look back at as a game we could have won. (2-4)





    The good vibes of the 2-2 start are all but gone now. We limp home just in time to see the Patriots again. Just as the Minnesota game was key, early on. This game is huge for us. Win and we are close to .500, lose and we are in a major hole. The Bills fight their ass off, but I just don't see it. Brady and Co. are still a good team and will find a way to beat a young Bills squad late. Note.....even in a loss, we will start to see some real progress, especially for our young players, which bodes well for the future. (2-5)



    Sun 10/29 BYE WEEK


    The BYE comes at a good time.................the three game losing streak is left in the rear view mirror.



    Sun 11/05 GREEN BAY PACKERS FOX 1:00 PM


    Fueled by an angry defense, and a rowdy home crowd, the Bills come out for blood against an aging Packers team. The Bills look great and steam roll the cheese heads in a rout. (3-5)



    Sun 11/12 @ Indianapolis Colts CBS 1:00 PM


    Despite the momentum from the Packers game, this game is against the class of the AFC, on the road (domed stadium to boot). The Bills come out early and play well, but Manning and Co are just too much. They are what we should aspire to be in a season or two. The Colts run away from us in the second half. (3-6)



    Sun 11/19 @ Houston Texans CBS 1:00 PM


    Another road game, in a touch environment against a team much like ours (solid defense, young skill position players). Even though Houston should be better, this game is a toss up, IMO. By now, whomever we have at QB (hopefully a confident JP) should be comfortable and playing pretty well. We should also have a pretty good handle on the "cover 2 scheme". As bad as we drilled the Texans last year shows that we have some talent on our roster, when it is coached properly. For this reason, I see us winning a close, low scoring ball game, late (thanks again to the ST). (4-6)





    We come home just in time to face one of the more underrated teams in the AFC. Jacksonville should be in the running for a playoff spot by now and they can't afford to lose to Buffalo in their pursuit of the Colts. Despite being at home, I see us stumbling against the Jags late and losing a game that teams like the Bills (young, but developing) always manage to lose at this point in their development. (4-7)





    OK, hot damn! Not just the close loss to the Jags or even playing at home. The Bills should be livid at how bad the Chargers drilled them last year in SD. If they don't come out like "a swarm of angry hornets", they have no pride (and with TKO on the field this time, they willl have plenty of that). Philip Rivers is a first year starter and that will show. I expect the Bills to focus on LT and make Rivers beat them. I don't see that happening in Buffalo, in December. Revenge is sweet! (5-7)



    Sun 12/10 @ New York Jets CBS 1:00 PM


    This will be an unpopular pick, but I see this as a "classic trap game". Coming off a win over SD, and with Miami on the schedule the following week, I see the Bills overlooking a team they already beat once this year. As I said earlier, road games are tough and young teams are prone to mistakes. The Bills fall prey to this and the Jets (who should be improving under Belicheck "clone" Eric Mangini). The Jets steal a close ball game late on FG. (5-8)



    Sun 12/17 MIAMI DOLPHINS CBS 1:00 PM


    OK, Miami-week is here! Enraged by the earlier loss in Miami, not to mention a "wild card hopes crushing loss" to the Jets, the Bills come out ready to play. The December weather plays havoc with Daute's ability to throw the ball downfield. The Bills defense clamps down on the short and intermediate parts of the field and limits Miami mostly to FG chances. Willis has a huge game and the Bills put a dent in the Dolphins post-season plans. (6-8)



    Sun 12/24 TENNESSEE TITANS CBS 1:00 PM


    The last home game of 2006 comes against a Titans team that will be trying to decide when to play Vince Young and LenDale White. December 24th in Buffalo is not the best place for a young QB to learn on the job. Regardless who the QB is, the Titans offense is just not that good at this juncture. The Bills ever improving defense has a field day and shuts down the run and the pass. We manage to play well enough on offense to pull out a win and come closer to .500 (7-8)



    Sun 12/31 @ Baltimore Ravens CBS 1:00 PM


    Baltimore is not an easy place to play. Not to mention, I think they will be playing for a wild card slot with that defense, a healthy Jamal Lewis and a solid veteran QB in Steve McNair. We throw a scare into the Ravens, but fall short on the road in the second half. (7-9)



    Not a bad season for a team picked to clean the basement floor. I can really see the Bills winning this many games, as well as coming close in several others.


    It will also serve as a springboard for better things in 2007 and beyond.



  11. Xanax is a Central Nervous System Depressant.................it is prescribed to treat Depression, among other things.


    When taken in medicinal, controlled quantities, it allows a person to function in a controlled, "normal" fashion.


    When the dosage amounts are off, it either does not treat the situation, or it makes it worse.


    Excessive amounts of Xanax (abuse) will cause the user to exhibit similar symptoms to a person who is drunk on alcoholic beverages (alcohol is also considered a CNS Depressant, by the way).


    So, if Keith Traylor was abusing Xanax and operating a vehicle, he could be DUI (despite the common misconception that DUI's only involve alcohol).


    As a side note, lots of teens like Xanax to facilitate a cheap high........for those of you parents out there who may also have the medication on hand.


    Oh, and I also love to read news like this about the Dolfelons! ;)






    For those with inquiring minds here is a link: http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/story/9443192

    I don't know anything about xanax. Does it give you a buzz? If he is taking it for depression you would think he would have a prescription.


    I love bad news for the fish!


  12. Small clarification..................with the Whitner deal, we would have three third rounders. I used the same third rounder twice, when I meant to say the third rounder we got from Tennessee (for TH).





    The draft is history, but the discussion is only just starting.    I am on the record as being a touch surprised with the method, but happy with the overall results.


    BUT.......consider this scenario for the first three rounds on Saturday.


    What if.......................we had traded down in the first round on Saturday (say around 11 or 15) and still drafted Whitner (debateable that he is still there, but for conversations sake, let's say he was), we probably get another 3rd round pick.


    Then, let's say we used that third (along with our existing second rounder) to trade  back up to the 26th slot and draft Youboty (who was supposed to go in the 1st round). 


    Then we package our other 3rd rounders (the existing one and the one we got for moving down for Whitner) to move up in the second and take McCargo (who carried a high second or low first round grade, depending on the source).   


    We would have ended up with the same number of Day One picks and the same package of players, oddly enough.


    BUT........would the analysts and half of our fan base feel the same way?   


    Unlikely.........instead, Marv and Co would be lauded for their ability to "work the  system" to get the players they wanted ("value", my friends).


    It seems that HOW things get accomplished can overshadow the end result, which in this case ends up being the same thing!    ;)




  13. The draft is history, but the discussion is only just starting. I am on the record as being a touch surprised with the method, but happy with the overall results.


    BUT.......consider this scenario for the first three rounds on Saturday.


    What if.......................we had traded down in the first round on Saturday (say around 11 or 15) and still drafted Whitner (debateable that he is still there, but for conversations sake, let's say he was), we probably get another 3rd round pick.


    Then, let's say we used that third (along with our existing second rounder) to trade back up to the 26th slot and draft Youboty (who was supposed to go in the 1st round).


    Then we package our other 3rd rounders (the existing one and the one we got for moving down for Whitner) to move up in the second and take McCargo (who carried a high second or low first round grade, depending on the source).


    We would have ended up with the same number of Day One picks and the same package of players, oddly enough.


    BUT........would the analysts and half of our fan base feel the same way?


    Unlikely.........instead, Marv and Co would be lauded for their ability to "work the system" to get the players they wanted ("value", my friends).


    It seems that HOW things get accomplished can overshadow the end result, which in this case ends up being the same thing! ;)



  14. Nice to see an analyst who has his own opinion, as opposed to most of the others who assign draft day"grades", based on what ESPN has to say.


    For example, the "ignorant" Jeanne Korth of the St. Petersburg Times (unfortuately, my local paper) gave us an F! OK, so you can argue a bit of a reach with Whitner and McCargo, but an F? Both of them carried fairly high draft grades, not to mention we got Youboty in the 3rd and Simpson in the 4th.....two players that were ranked much higher. IF she could pull her head out of Jon Gruden's arse for two seconds, maybe she would have noticed.


    I agree with Gosselin's assessment.................a solid B. As stated before, we may have reached a little, but we addressed our NEEDS! We also may have been able to maneuver around with trades and accomplish a similar draft. Or, maybe not.


    The thing I like about Marv is his focus and determination to do what he thinks is best for the team (and last time I checked, we were pretty good with Marv around, albeit, as Head Coach the last time). Remember, Polian and Butler got a lot of kudos over the years, but Marv was in the same War Room and I am sure he had a voice.



  15. I think Fowler © and Reyes (LG) are upgrades from last year (Teague and Anderson were a major part of our problems).


    Villarial is solid at RG, so the interior of our line is better.


    Peters, with some more training, can only be better, compared to last year (but still a project of sorts).


    Gandy.............well..............hopefully with a better LG next to him in Reyes, will be better.


    Overall, the line is improved, but I would hesitate to call it a strength.



  16. According to the Sporting News "value board" from last week's edition, the Bills draft so far (before the seventh round) carries the following "values" and "rankings", again, according to the SN.


    1-Whitner (2nd-55th)

    1a-McCargo (2nd-51st)

    3-Youboty (2nd-33rd)

    4-Simpson (2nd-39th)

    5-Williams (4th-110th)

    5a-Butler (6th-209th)

    6-Ellison (4th-103rd)


    Looking past the "reaching" argument(s), that draft board is pretty solid, IMO.


    We addressed some glaring needs (Dline, Secondary), along with some depth.


    Six of the top seven picks are in the top 110 players, according to this chart. We also are really stocking the defense.


    I wonder if we have some plans to address the offense with undrafted FA's, sort of like how we got Peters.



  17. IF he is still on the board by then, I would like to see the Bills take Omar Jacobs (QB) from Bowling Green.


    He is underrated due to playing in a second tier conference, but has similar size and athletic ability when you compare him to Vince Young (OK, just to clarify, he is not as good an athelete as VY). :)


    He also is a solid passer and would have been a higher pick in the 2007 draft if he stayed in school. Think of a younger version of Steve McNair, but a bit more on the undeveloped side.


    We can use him in a variety of ways (sort of like Randle El) for now as our 3rd QB/ST and groom him for a couple of years to be our QB (or at least a solid backup).


    You could do worse in the sixth round.....................and, he was listed as a 3rd round talent, by some publications.



  18. After a day to digest the Bills picks, I am pretty happy. Did we pick the players that the "experts" said we should, or at least in the order that we were supposed to pick?


    No, and that has already been discussed ad nauseum.


    BUT, if you told me at 1200 pm on Saturday that the Bills would finish Day One with three players ranked in the top 50-60, and that they would all be at "need positions", I would have taken it.


    Who cares what order they came in, or if an analyst (covering their own arses) called it a reach? The end result is what matters and the Bills had a fine first day.


    On to my real topic................also discussed to an extent. What is up ESPN's collective arse? Especially Mort and the "pencil necked geek" John Clayton? They are both acting like the Bills did something to them, personally. Are they TD's buddies and feel that they can get back at the Bills by being negative?


    First, they rip the Bills for "reaching" on Whitner and McCargo, but where was the praise for getting Youboty in the THIRD round? (a consensus first rounder according to Mel).


    Then, and my main point................the Bills are listed as losers for Day One (revisit my earlier comment on addressing three needs with excellent prospects), yet the Broncos were listed as big winners.


    If I am not mistaken, the Broncos traded up to get Cutler when they may have been able to stand pat and get him at 15. The Bills were roasted for doing the same thing later in the first round with McCargo.


    Then, the Broncos deal a SECOND round pick for disgruntled receiver Javon Walker when they could have had a comparable receiver in Eric Moulds for a fourth or fifth round pick a week ago.


    So, they make one solid pick in round one (forfeiting a third round pick to move up when it may not have been necessary), trade a second round pick for a head case receiver and don't even pick in the third round, yet they are the first team listed under the winners column.


    And, half of our very own Bills fans go off on Marv and Co, based on this type of analysis? :lol:



  19. ........... some of the remaining DT's carrying first or second round grades, one of which we will most likely take in Round 2


    Claude Wroten (LSU)

    John McCargo (NCSU) *sleeper*

    Gabe Watson (Michigan)

    Rodrique Wright (Texas)

    Orien Harris (Miami)


    I think any of these guys would look good on our DLine.





    Oh, and John Clayton is a jackass..............why would Marv and Co turn down a trade offer from Denver that gave us an additional second round pick?


    Makes no sense.................unless you believe Marv would deliberately sabotage our draft.


    And..........some of the comments on this board about Marv are ridiculous and embarrassing. He is a Hall of Fame coach and a big part of the best run of Bills football.


    All that is thrown out the window because you don't agree with his first pick as GM?


    Pretty sad. ;)

  20. I was surprised at the pick and I agree that we probably could have moved back and still picked Whitner.


    Or, maybe not. Someone here mentioned that Detroit (who was hot for Huff) may have taken Whitner at 9, if the Bills moved back to 11 (StL) or even 15 (Den).


    Plus, we don't know what was offered to the Bills (if anything was, from the previously mentioned suitors). Seems that Denver only gave up a third to move up four slots. Not a whole lot, IMO (especially if the Bills lost out on Whitner by doing so).


    I will say this..............Marv and Co. seem to have liked Whitner all along, and if they valued him that highly, then you take him when you get the chance (even at 8).


    It is not like Whitner carried a third round grade, either. He was the top rated safety on the board (since Huff is being spoken about as a potential cornerback) and he was listed as the 17th best player on "mighty Mel's list", for example. Whitner was a rising player, much like Bunkley.


    I think we fans fall prey to the media's take on things............truth is, this board is shocked because we didn't draft who the "experts" thought we should.


    None of us know how Whitner will work out, right now. He fills a need (since we cut Milloy and none of us want to see Coy Wire starting) and we still have a high second round pick to address DT (which is very deep in this draft), along with two thirds to address OT and depth.


    I am currently a little surprised, but I am also willing to give Marv and Modrak the benefit of the doubt (over a bunch of overpaid talking heads who also get a lot of picks wrong).


    There is a lot of the draft left to fill our needs. :(



  21. I think New Orleans has to take him..............unless they trade down with a team that wants the next "Marshall Faulk" (purely my opinion).


    Someone like the Jets, perhaps? Curtis Martin is getting up there and Bush would be primed to take over in 2007, after a year of splitting time and learning from one of the best.


    Unfortuately, I don't see this changing who gets picked in the first seven selections......just the order (for those of you hoping that Hawk or the Brick would slide to #8).


    The Bills should still have Ngata, Bunkley and Huff to choose from (all of which will be a nice upgrade for our defense). :)






    Who gets Reggie Bush?  <_<


  22. I trust Marv, as well as Modrak and Company (behind the scenes).


    Royal is an excellent blocking TE, which we will need if we want to

    establish the running game, again. Everett (if healthy) will be our pass

    catching, down field threat. We can find a third TE, for developmental

    purposes, so that position is pretty well taken care of.


    Tripplett, as a DT, is a shade smaller then we are used to but will fit in

    to the new defensive philosophy. The fact that he played the same defense,

    under the coach credited with the rise of the defense (Dungy, Cover 2) can

    only help.............he may be like a coach on the field.


    As a result, the Bills should still take Ngata in the first round (#8).

    That would solidify our D-line, allowing us to concentrate on the O-line in

    free agency and the draft (as well as our other needs, such as Safety, etc).


    If Davis did sign, he adds depth to the WR position. At worst, he takes Josh Reed's slot. At best, he starts opposite of Lee Evans, with Parrish in the slot. A nice, cost-efficient signing that addresses a need.


    Lastly, some folks here are freaking out about not getting Bentley, Schaffer and Jurivicious.


    It would have been nice, but both lineman got a bunch of money and at least one of them (Schaefer) is not a proven commodity. Jurivicious is a solid veteran, but is he really better then Andre Davis at this point?


    And, maybe they did not want to play in Buffalo anyway (Bentley and Jurivicious are from Cleveland, and both are happy to go back home).


    I think Marv will address the O-line with solid, veteran pickups (Mawae,

    perhaps), before all is said and done. That, and maybe a second round selection as well.


    So far, so good (IMHO). :blink:




  23. "There was a lot of trash talking all game. Sean Taylor got up talking a little bit and I was talking a little bit," Pittman said. "He spit in my face. No man is going to spit in my face. I had a lot of respect for Sean Taylor, but no more. My initial reaction was, hit him in the face. He'd get a lot worse than that on the street."




    Wow............what a classy reaction from a man who rammed his wife's vehicle, with one of his own during a domestic dispute. If one of us did that, we would be in jail. Pittman is a punk and a thug in my opinion. ;)


    I don't condone what Taylor allegedly did (I have to admit I did not see any spit fly on the myriad of replays that I saw), but why wasn't Pittman flagged/ejected/fined by the league for striking another player in the face for all to see?



  24. IF the media reports are accurate, it seems that I was right on the money with my post last night (not in a braggart sort of way, but it just made too much sense to me not to happen).


    Finances dictate moves, sometimes.............not so much lazy thinking! :unsure:


    One more issue about Modrak.............he did well in both of his previous spots (PIT, PHIL), when he was the man actually in charge.


    I am sure he had some input, but I can't see TD giving him carte blanche. Think about TD's tenure in Pittsburgh..............he and Cower butted heads, and TD eventually left because of it. I don't see anyone, Modrak included, having more then a small role in the final decision making process.


    With that being said, I am all for giving Modrak a shot to run the ship. And, having Marv as an advisor (or perhaps the President) can only help, IMO.


    I want to see Sam Wyche as the new OC.



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