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Everything posted by ToBillsFan

  1. This is how you will kill the atmosphere and home field advantage when they move and add these license fees. Most hardcore fans don’t have the funds to pay crazy prices and you’ll get an atmosphere like we saw at the super bowl where it sounded like a pro bowl game
  2. Tried the season ticket thing as an investment but found out really quick that this would be more of a cost than money maker. Restrictions probably didn’t help at all but I think I’ll give them up this season.
  3. For me nothing tops the Patriots game where they ran 45 times and we couldn’t stop it. I’m afraid McDermott has a lot more power than most people realize and it’s his defense we’re running.
  4. He said something that I found interesting in his post game presser. He said specifically that they won’t be back as the same unit again. Now he could have been talking about free agents not returning or new free agents/draft picks coming in but something tells me he will retire. The way he was acknowledging all the KC players and fans as is another tell. He didn’t do that after the loss last year. Then there is always the concussion topic which we know he has experienced. thoughts?
  5. Im a season ticket holder from Canada and you can bet your ass if it weren’t for covid and all the restrictions that come with it I would be sitting there freezing my ass of with the other fans. There’s no other excuse other than covid for these ticket prices and empty seats. I mean I could barely giveaway a Monday nighter against our arch rivals fighting for the division lead. Any other year that is a hot ticket to sell.
  6. Hellllllll yeahhhhhhh
  7. If anyone is interested I will let these go for $350 For the set. seats 4-7 near the aisle
  8. I actually have season tickets myself just haven’t heard anything on pricing yet
  9. Does anyone know if they are the same price as regular season games?
  10. I got killed this year on season tickets. Heck I can barely give tickets away and I’m in 100 level endzone. I’m even considering not getting playoff tickets because i feel like those won’t sell either
  11. Have 2 tickets to the first person who replies with their email so i can transfer the tix
  12. Tickets still for sale for both games if interested
  13. Just got this from my rep: We have been sending emails out in regards to playoff tickets since early November. Since you utilize a payment plan for your season tickets, you are automatically enrolled in our Pay As We Play program. This means that if we are to host any home playoff games, yours are secured. We will run the card on file once we know when the game would be. It is a game by game charge, so you'll only pay for games in Buffalo.
  14. Haven’t heard from my rep either. Is it automatic that you have first choice to purchase your tickets for playoffs?
  15. Been getting rocked on sales of the season tickets so maybe these might be a hot ticket!
  16. I just don’t get what’s happened this year with tickets. I guess it’s primarily locals buying so the demand is just not there.
  17. Willing to let these go for far under face value…$40 per ticket
  18. Selling 4 tickets for all remaining games Section 120 row 29 tickets will be transferred through Ticketmaster. make me an offer for any game
  19. Price drop: $350 for all 4 tickets!! send me a dm and get them while they’re hot!
  20. Section 120 row 29 $450 for all four…send me a DM if interested
  21. Section 120 row 29 - seats 4 & 5 (close to the aisle) looking for $150 for the pair
  22. I’m a good mood so I’m dropping the price to $85/ticket. All four tickets can be yours for $340! secure transfer through Ticketmaster and payment through PayPal…quick and simple
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