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  1. Hello I saw a watch party happening at Buffalo river works on Sunday and was wondering if anyone has watched a game there? What’s the experience like?
  2. Hello im coming up to Buffalo this weekend for the Miami game and hotel prices are insane. Does anyone recommend anywhere without breaking the bank. Ideally near downtown but willing to drive a bit to save some cash. thanks!
  3. Hello im coming up to Buffalo this weekend for the Miami game and hotel prices are insane. Does anyone recommend anywhere without breaking the bank. Ideally near downtown but willing to drive a bit to save some cash. thanks!
  4. I’m looking for 8 tickets to the August 24th kids day preseason game. Is it best to wait until a few days before the game to get discounted tickets?
  5. What are your thoughts on trading for D Hop now that things clearly aren’t working out in Tennessee?
  6. I’m over this guy. Between him calling out the Rams publicly to being kicked off a plane. He’s not the distraction we need right now and he may not even be trying to play this season.
  7. Jim’s steakout after a few beers….you will no be disappointed
  8. Who can justify resigning this man? 0 sacks 0 effect on the run game. All this in his contract year where he should be destroying everything in his way.
  9. Can someone summarize the injuries from prior to and including today. I can’t even keep up after todays game. Also just an ugly game overall, sweep it under the rug and move on from it. Teams need to be humbled sometimes and this may take the spotlight off us and let us focus on just playing.
  10. You must be fun at parties sorry next time I’ll include a definition of the word: a person who resells shares or tickets at a large or quick profit. Did you have any input btw or just wanted someone to laugh at your attempt of a joke?
  11. Has anyone had any luck with scalpers close to kickoff? what doesn’t make sense to me is that I looked for tickets on Ticketmaster up until kick off and there were still a ton of tickets for sale but when I watched the game it looked like there wasn’t an empty seat?
  12. Hello im looking to go to the home opener possibly with a buddy of mine. He’s not really a fan but he’s willing to accompany me because he knows how badly I want to be at this opener. I would only be able to spend $200 Canadian/ticket. I know it’s lower than what tickets are selling for but budget is tight right now. if it gets closer to the game and anyone can’t sell for what they expected please let me know. thanks mike
  13. Just wondering if any posters here are active in the Twitter spaces. I thoroughly enjoy them, especially the ones led by Bills fans. It’s interesting to hear others teams views of our players and it is very entertaining when things get heated between teams fans.
  14. Pittsburgh at home two years in a row? Is that even possible?
  15. Sorry just to be clear this post was not meant to re-live the loss from last year…let’s get that straight this was more about needs for our team and how we are looking to fill them in this draft
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