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Everything posted by JDubya76

  1. Wright is not as transparent while slightly less insufferable.
  2. Bass has been brutal barely made the last extra point and missed this by a mile.
  3. This is it, one stop for the win
  4. When Hamlin, Kline and Lewis are seeing significant snaps, you’re in trouble
  5. There is a ghost wearing number 40 on the field
  6. Is Von dressed? I can’t tell, I’ve only watched the whole game.
  7. One more time, let’s go D!!!!
  8. Everyone on the planet knew that was going to be a run
  9. That could have been sooooo bad
  10. Bills offense needs to extract their heads from their posterior on this drive, this mid-game lul BS is going to kill their D. D is on fumes right now.
  11. AJ Kline is now a starter, geez these injuries
  12. Not a false start on the right tackle? Ok gotcha
  13. Another special teams let down
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