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Everything posted by JDubya76

  1. Well it’s settled, we gotta pay Po now, maybe then he takes a better angle in coverage.
  2. When you have to remind people that it’s not delay because of a BS technicality, it’s delay mixed with incompetence.
  3. Mr. Coach Kline says Josh is going to pretend to fake.
  4. I was going to say, angle route to Cook for a tud
  5. If they don’t cut him immediately, I’m telling social media on him. Also telling social media that I’m giving up my season tickets, just for good measure.
  6. Government Created Killer Nanorobot Infection. The nanorobots tend to collect in the groin and hamstring area
  7. Agree 100%. Whatever we are feeling as outsiders, it’s 1000 x worse for them. The locker room is probably begging to move on.
  8. Since this no longer has anything to do with the Bills, I’m going to turn the channel from this drama and watch something else. Truman show style. if it sounds callous, it is not my intention. I just don’t have the bandwidth. On average, there are 463,634 victims (age 12 or older, male and female) of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States and neither the Buffalo Bills organization nor any of their players had anything to do with 463,633 of them. So, having the Bills organization who is not equipped to face this issue take 30-ish days to investigate unsubstantiated claims about their employee is not egregious. Neither is waiting 2 1/2 days to read through the civil filing. Especially when you realize they had to fly 100 people to Charlotte to play a professional football game, fly everyone home and then have meetings with legal about the issue with the appropriate department heads. It seems to me that they did what they needed to do the way they do everything. Thorough, thoughtful, measured, calculated, and their decision is final. They crossed the Ts and dotted the umlauts. This story no longer has anything to do with the Buffalo Bills unless you are Dan Gilleon, Jay Skurski or Matthew Fairbairn(sp) and they are just looking to remain relevant in the media cycle.
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