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Everything posted by JDubya76

  1. Right now the Colts defense couldn’t stop a bullet There has been four or five of them in this game. Unnecessary roughness for tackling, hand fighting in the end zone by both guys goes on the D? Phantom facemask? These guys are pathetic.
  2. So they wait until Minnesota tips the formation to call time and reset the clock. Atrocious
  3. This moment is where we are spoiled. 3rd and 3 and Allen can drop back and still run for the first. No way Ryan can do that.
  4. The referees have completely insinuated themselves into this game and they’re not even trying to hide it.
  5. Glad Moss is not a Bill Can the colts play defense? They’re 8 yards off the ball.
  6. So the colts are hoping to just hand this game over. The run is working so let Matt Ryan throw the ball?
  7. Did we trade lil dummy to Minnesota? Is he wearing 17 now?
  8. If Cousins had an arm 17 walks into the end zone. He flew past the DB
  9. You can put lipstick on that pig all you want, talk him up all you want, Cousins is pedestrian.
  10. I just turned on the game, I cannot believe we lost to these guys
  11. Sooner or later everyone reaches the level of their own incompetence. Though the bar is different for every human being.
  12. We are in the good old days, we should all enjoy it because it will end before we know it.
  13. Then he got obliterated by the Bills. It’s pretty easy to shock a team when there is no tape on a quarterback. There is tape on him now. He may progress in time, but it’s just as likely that he has pretty much reached the level of his own incompetence.
  14. God I wish I could watch Moulds play in his prime with a real QB like Josh. Moulds was special.
  15. Sullivan is is the nozzle on a used XXL bottle of Summers Eve. I am so glad that he had been relegated to the ass end relevance. If I never read another of his jumbles of stupidity posing as journalism again it will be too soon.
  16. Rumor has it that Wilkins has a pathological desire to grab things he wants to put in his mouth. Go get ‘em tiger. Grrrrrawr
  17. That is just absolute drivel. Just goes to show that espn will say Eh-knee-thing to provide a hot take to the sheeple.
  18. If the Lil Mac can’t beat the Cards tonight, the fans are going to lynch someone in that coaching staff
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