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Everything posted by JDubya76

  1. They have all of that. https://tv.youtube.com/welcome/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA45qdBhD-ARIsAOHbVdHGZYXdM-RfLowv-an3b6LFlVMahtYeVRVm4x8iFP94hBTRFl7hsn0aAn8uEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds#panel-0 Only channels I watch that are missing are NHL and A&E. I just started free trial yesterday. Not bad at all.
  2. 100% dropping it. Sunday ticket was the only reason I forced my family to endure DIRECTV.
  3. TAF from Midway: 222232Z 2223/2324 30018G29KT 3/4SM -SN BLSN SCT009 OVC012 TEMPO 2223/2224 1/2SM SN FG BLSN VV007 FM230200 30020G32KT 1 1/2SM -SN BLSN OVC015 FM230600 28022G39KT 2SM -SN BLSN OVC020 FM231700 27029G44KT 2SM BLSN OVC030 Landing tonight, are the winds are out of the west northwest at 18 gusting 29. 3/4 of a statute mile snow and blowing snow, overcast at 900, overcast at 1200. Temporarily 1/2 statute mile vis, snow, fog, blowing snow. Vertical visibility of 700 feet. I miss flying in Buffalo weather, because it’s fun to fly in the snow, but I don’t miss flying in that weather. Early afternoon on the 23rd is showing winds out of the west 29 kts gusting to 44. 2 statute miles blowing snow overcast at 3000. So definitely improving. That’s as far as the TAF goes out for now. who am I kidding I love flying in that s$*t.
  4. I’m shocked, shocked I tells ya. All of his neighbors were interviewed and said that they never expected something like this, he’s such a quiet person, keeps to himself. Tedy Bruschi was there with him and was going to join the malay, but someone asked him a basic math question which stopped him in his tracks.
  5. Man that ending, I could not have happened to a better organization. FU Cheatriots.
  6. I’m guessing Mac was on the ground screaming in pain like he was shot by a bazooka
  7. Every team has flaws, every team can be beaten given the right circumstances. They are very good, a top tier team just like us.
  8. Charles Davis is a terrible color guy. Can’t stand him. For me his is at Collinsworth level of tedious.
  9. They cut Mike Pereira on the broadcast, and he basically shrugged and said what are you gonna do about it. I’ve never seen a penalty called in that situation. I think they were comfortable issuing the warning and then hoping it would diminish, which it did.
  10. Again, there were quite a few Dolphins fans in the crowd that would have been happy to see Buffalo be penalized. Granted, if the refs had thrown a flag after a fan in Dolphins gear threw a snowball, that fan may never make it back to their vehicle. Not condoning that type of reaction but I understand how something like that could be a possibility given the alcohol consumption of certain fans.
  11. You forgot to mention snowflake. I know you wanted to though. Elements were not required they just framed the scenario. What were required elements were runs, catches and execution. The onset of a snowstorm did not have an effect on the drive. It was a dusting, it’s not like the last drive took place in the Indy game from a few years ago where there was 12 inches of snow on the field. The penalty was a penalty. They call them all game long, so to insinuate that the penalty was a required element for the bills to win the game is also folly. Did they look out of sync? Absolutely at times. Many teams do, because the other team gets paid to play football as well. The Dolphins after losing two in a row showed some pride and moxie and made a game of it. Do they need to clean up some things in order to win the Super Bowl? It is debatable but I think they do. I think every team entering the playoffs has certain aspects of their game to clean up in order to be the best team on the field. Merry Christmas dude.
  12. I have a dozen bottles of Buffalo Trace at $30 a bottle but Blanton’s in Fl is $120 a bottle. Swing and a miss
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