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Everything posted by JDubya76

  1. 7-3 halfway through the first? OK now it’s over. lol
  2. Are there any Raiders fans in Vegas? When they showed the stadium it was noticeably red
  3. Just turned it on and they’re up by 7 already geez. Raiders will be lucky to lose by only two scores. I hate KC. The city, the team, the fans, all of it.
  4. If I start driving now, I’ll be there by noon-ish
  5. Carolina would basically be home field for the Bills. I choose that one.
  6. I love how 6 feet of snow twice is just a snow storm and not a blizzard. Oh well that’s just Thursday in Buffalo. Then on the Weather Channel, two inches of snow is called WINTER STORM THOR!
  7. Just when I think that this is over and people are going back to their shi$$y selves, and they go and do this.
  8. We would be wasting a perfectly good Bildo. Maybe throw a Bildo that has seen it’s day, just like Belicheat and the Patriettes.
  9. As long as we signed him twice, sure.
  10. Then the team that scores the least amount of points in victory gets taken to the Arizona desert and buried up to their necks in sand and covered in honey. Live broadcast on pay per view to recoup the loss of revenue from Monday night. I would pay to see the Patriettes buried up to their necks being atttacked by scorpions, snakes and birds of prey. I mean it’s just an idea.
  11. If no clear winner emerges from all of this, a two-man sack race will be held on consecutive Sundays until a champion can be crowned.
  12. Well I know one guy that is never going to have to buy his own beer in Buffalo again
  13. And it still is because we can determine the difference between the real world and a game. Listen, I’ve flown over the wreckage of airplanes in which friends of mine have died. I have watched people crash and die while I was behind them in sequence for landing. What did I do? Just kept on working because that’s what we do. Merica! The great thing about Merica! Is that we are tough, resilient but also compassionate and if a group of people don’t think that they can perform during an entertainment event I don’t feel that it’s in my right to denigrate them for their choices. Ultimately, I think this whole conversation is going to be proven moot because the bills are going to play on Sunday because they’re gonna do what they know and they’re gonna do what they love to get past a tough situation. Luckily for them they do, so all the tough Mericans! in this thread won’t have to call them kitty cats and further hurt their whittle feewings. Am I doing it right?
  14. Sure, but the premise of the thread is that House backs whatever decision the Bills make based on the article. Play or not, it’s up to them. I will have no problem with whatever decision they make, it’s just a game.
  15. Then I will watch something else on Sunday. Football is just a kids game played by elite athletes. Life and well-being is way more important than a kids game.
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