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Everything posted by JDubya76

  1. Hell of a drug
  2. I almost didn’t post it, but you’re welcome to hell that is.
  3. Have you seen the officiating in the NHL? It’s like Globetrotters vs Generals incompetent. NBA officials do a better job and most of them are on the take.
  4. Party baby party!!! One of Andy Ried’s kids is gonna get sauced and murder somerone with a car tonight!!!
  5. How does he get that open, and how does he not score?
  6. It’s a Kermit the Mahomes miracle. Toradol is a hell of a drug
  7. I’m going to go on record and say I have no clue what a catch is
  8. We weren’t a customer as long as you, still we were with them for almost a decade. The guy kept mentioning the length of service like I was going to feel nostalgic and keep DTV. All he offered was direct tv streaming but no price reduction on anything. Then when I told him no, he acted shocked. He also kept mentioning all the channels they had, I told him that I basically only watch the same 70-80 channels they have on YouTube/Hulu tv without the stupid tiers. I wouldn’t have stayed with them, so tired of the haggle games they make you play. Just give me a good price and I will use your service.
  9. So then he must physically take them to the software people?
  10. I cut out DTV right after the last bills game. Trying the Hulu plus TV bundle now. So, TV, Disney and ESPN for $76 a month. When the Sabres are done for the season, we’re going to try YouTube TV. We’ll see which service we like best. 10 years. Felt so free after pulling all the DTV boxes out.
  11. Football is over for me, on to the draft.
  12. Dr Pepper is basically Mr Pib for elitists. As if you need a medical degree to make a good soda. Well I never.
  13. Sometimes the truth hurts
  14. Good lord I tried watching this game but Collinsworthless is unlistenable. I have reached that point. Just hearing his voice makes me want to murder.
  15. Did you get a raise too? Or is it just title only? I want assistant regional manager
  16. According to some, you only need to get halfway through the first quarter
  17. Nice play by the rook again.
  18. Can’t play prevent here, if we do we lose on a walk off.
  19. Dawkins beat like a drum
  20. Christ McClappy do we have to beat you too?
  21. Constantly waiting on routes 20 yards downfield. it’s silly
  22. What the hell, let’s throw it long on 3rd and 10 too. Seems logical
  23. Soft defense gives up a soft touchdown drive. They never threatened to stop them on that drive, not once
  24. Ugh poor choice to call a TO
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