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Everything posted by JDubya76

  1. Well, that happened sooner than I thought it would. Feel for the guy, his body is failing him.
  2. I haven’t personally sought out ESPN or ESPN content outside of live games (NFL & NHL) in over 10 years. The network’s shtick was played out and grew tiresome. Leave the over-the-top sports entertainment for the WWE. It has been a pleasure to ignore the talking heads and I haven’t given losing ESPN content a second thought.
  3. bad to really bad QBs and playing against grocery store clerks on the third string. I would like to see him get a look with the ones to shake it all out and see.
  4. Allen is funny as heck. Dry humor, subtle.
  5. You can’t, when his pearls of wisdom get quoted, we are forced to endure the drivel.
  6. OMG I told my wife the same thing. Every tv show that has an ole faaaht from Baaahston…….furniture guy is a dead ringer, he’s Baaahston’s every man. Such a punchable face
  7. Looking at the available back-ups, unfortunately a 90-year old Tom Brady is still the best option. Don’t think anyone else left on that “best of the rest” list is going to steal you 2 out of three games. If JA17 is out 4 or more games we’re done anyway. Like, start prepping for the draft, done.
  8. If an anonymous supposed coach/executive that the writer says said it, it must be true. After all it is posted on the internet and everything on the internet is the truth. I am sincerely worried, previous performances be damned. Clickbait garbage, I feel shame for even clicking the link.
  9. How the hell are the Raiders so bad and up against the cap at the same time? That is a spectacular job of team management.
  10. I miss yolo, but thanks for doing what you’re doing, i appreciate it
  11. How to answer a question without being a Richard.
  12. I love the argument that a 10th CB won’t make a difference. Very obtuse. Maybe a 10th CB wouldn’t make a difference, but 3 safeties and an extra OL or DL would. I'm not sure if he makes the team but if cut the Bills should definitely put him in the practice squad if his play hasn’t significantly deteriorated from the “injury”. Air quotes on “injury” because it was much more than your run of the mill fooseball injury.
  13. It’s a long road back for Kim but it is a huge step in her progression to travel to Rochester and watch the team practice. Just the travel alone takes a toll on healthy people let alone someone that is physically and mentally compromised due to health issues. You go girl, stay strong.
  14. Is there an article from today? The most current article I see is from the 28th.
  15. Is it just me (and my wifey)? it felt like the commercial breaks were longer than the actual highlight content.
  16. Danny Dimes is certainly not the great leader Dak was
  17. Zero legitimate professional reasons to seek out and cycle through dozens of female masseuses.
  18. I get the feeling that your domicile looks like a Jackson Pollock painting under a black light. Hey it happens, let it fly
  19. Winfrey should have just rubbed his deal on the woman, he’d still be cashing those sweet sweet Cleveland Browns checks.
  20. Love Parks and Rec
  21. Thank jah this saga is over. To the trash heap with this thread.
  22. Big time growth, The woman and the kid were more his size, so if anything, he’s slapping above his weight class now. Good for him, he’s got goals, the drive to be a more well rounded abuser.
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