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Everything posted by JDubya76

  1. So do they not call offensive holding any more?
  2. Can’t live in 3rd and long. Needs to be better
  3. The math isn’t hard $49.99 for 1 gig internet plus $82.45 for YTTV versus $247.00 a month for a lower mid tier DTV package before making the quarterly call to beg for discounts? It is a no brainer, the savings is substantial. Besides, internet is hardly an additional cost simce most households have internet in addition to cable and DTV. It’s hard imagine a household in this day and age without internet service. Hell, even when my pops was alive, he had high speed internet. 70 years old, and he had to have it just to do his bills and play his games. I am so glad I don’t have to fork over any more money for DTV. I know it’s a couple more bucks but a fire stick is $30-ish. All you gotta do is plug it in an HDMI and you can access the YouTube TV app from there. I only have one TV in the house that’s “smart”, the rest of the TVs have fire sticks, and I haven’t had an issue.
  4. My wife watches those October-January, it’s making me start to dislike Christmas time.
  5. It’s a lower back injury, put me back in coach.
  6. You take the good, you take the bad, you take ‘em both and there you have thaaaa, I can’t remember.
  7. You would think it would be obvious, alcohol served to self important Kens and Karens on a sealed metal dumpster screaming through the sky, nuts. I’ve seen some really poor behavior at the regionals. Thank god for corporate jobs, loved the airline, disliked the customers.
  8. But it was a joke, a joke, she was joking, I heard it was a joke. Joke, jokey, jokerson. she keed she keeD
  9. LSD, marijuana, cocaine, alcohol and a ticket to the game? Sounds like an expensive Sunday.
  10. The scripted drive by LV was perfect, we go 3 and out, it was building against us. The pressure by Jones, tip by Rousseau and Bernard’s pick flipped the script and woke everyone up. After that they were in solid control.
  11. Dobbs with a big boy run for a TD
  12. Thanks, I thought it was just me that didn’t know
  13. Holy S**t what a catch by Milano
  14. I think you, my friend, are correct!
  15. Why did we call a time out now?
  16. How the heck did Allen even see Shakir? Just beautiful awareness
  17. When Cook gets outside, man he’s quick
  18. Nice stand D
  19. You obviously read what I said because I said it was 100% on the call right?
  20. Ugliest play call and execution I have seen in a long time, on 4th and goal no less
  21. Man Cook is fast
  22. Nice return Harris!
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