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Everything posted by JDubya76

  1. Here comes our D to give it back
  2. That play had zero chance, waste of a down
  3. We all know screens work against this defense
  4. Son of a turf it
  5. Um, no faaaaahhhhh
  6. Little shake and bake from Harty
  7. That was their best play on 4th and 1 from the goal line
  8. Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war!
  9. WhT is Henry worth? Pick swap? I honestly haven’t watched a minute of Titans football this year, hate that team.
  10. Somebody at work told me this past week that he saw a Bills fan post Allen to the Bears for their first two picks, a first next year and in 2026. I told him the guy is full of s*it and they would burn down New Era if that happened.
  11. Did we take the sails out of our wind?
  12. Why do we continue to post this twit’s thoughts. Ooh I misspelled twit
  13. Riggs may have called him out but what did Murtaugh say? I’m guessing “I’m too old for this s*it”
  14. One of those moments where, during the timeout, Josh and Dorsey looked deep into the playbook for their favorite, can’t miss play. That was it.
  15. Wait till Baker comes strutting into town. LOL
  16. Tha fug was that? We called a time out to get organized for that? Are you kidding me?
  17. How did Diggs now hold on to it?
  18. Johnson gave up inside so easy
  19. Wilted, completely wilted
  20. In breaking routes working all day long
  21. Gilliam is a horse with the tush push
  22. What are the odds from the 6 inch line that we line up shotgun?
  23. Love the shotgun draw, love it
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