How is that tearing off someones helmet if its still attached to his head and he barely tugged it on the side. Miles on the other hand thats how you tear off a helmet
I cant believe the current betting odds for the bills winning the superbowl are lower than the rams and eagles by 2x-3x, those two have a lower chance at the playoffs but still have a better chance at sb
Every week teams with no chance of winning in the final minutes play till the final seconds without any hitches, so I dont see any probs playing till the final secs for extra reps, especially with the defense still playing hard
if they can use more of singletary, add in some mckenzie trick plays, allen fixing his deep throws to brown and allen use his lamar like agility the offense can score big, but I would expect the coaches to disappoint somehow
dallas and ravens are beatable along with the pats with that close 1st meeting matchup.
dallas struggles vs good defenses and gives up lots of points
ravens just find an answer for lamar
Just because some people think rudolph instigated the helmet smash to head doesnt mean he should get suspended a game, since that happens every week in the nfl, players instigating fights for penalties and none get suspended
Jets qb siemian probably buying rudolph dinner after that. Garret tried doing the same to rudolph after the play putting his full weight on him well after the play, props to rudulph for standing uo to him without taking it to far, well desrved suspenision
everytime they barely use singletary i already know the offense will do poorly, the call of a toss to gore in the rz for zero yrds when they should of used singletary gets to me
Onside kicks are dead as people say with 0% rate, so they'd have a 0% chance still up by 2 scores (lions game was just 1), either way micah deserved this return for his top notch playing this season