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In Summary

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Posts posted by In Summary

  1. 48 minutes ago, mrags said:

    Caffeine and alcohol are drugs is the weakest argument I’ve ever heard in my life. But if you want to go with that. Whatever. 

    All drugs are bad imo. They are doing nothing but degrading society, and these days, at incredible rates. There was once a war on drugs. (maybe some of it was political) but it was beneficial at the time, for many years. 

    • Mixed messages from society/govt.  Smoking tobacco very bad.  Smoking weed awesome - legalize it everywhere and celebrate.  Drinking alcohol ??  
    • People forfeiting employment because they can't pass a drug test.  Contractors can't find help to show up for work without being high.  A local concrete contractor talked about a "lost generation".
    • Idle hands and a purposeless life beg for trouble.
    • Re football, pain management will continue to be a part of the sport for pros.  Nobody takes repeated shots from monsters of men without paying a price.  I expect pain management will be aggressively addressed by the more functional teams.  


  2. Kelly had great accuracy on the deep arcing passes, slants, and short-area dumps to RBs.  These resulted in Lofton/Beebe bombs, Reed RAC yards from being hit in stride, and smooth execution of screens to Thurman.   I mention these as they have not been Allen's early career strong points.  Kelly also very accurate threading the ball between defenders - more so anyway in his earlier years.  Sometimes prone to missing the underneath coverage.  Kelly a great "touch" passer IMO.  

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  3. 22 hours ago, Miyagi-Do Karate said:

    I had bad Achilles problems a few years ago from playing bball, and worries about the same thing. The ortho I saw basically said like 90% of tears are men between 40-50 who are weekend warrior athletes. That pretty much was me. 

    I ended up doing tons of stretching to prevent against a risk of a tear. I now stretch my Achilles for like 30 minutes every night, and then before I play hoops in the mornings and then after. Makes a huge difference.

    Smart.  Achilles have an outer sheath over the inner section.  If you get a lump on the outer part from overuse, heed the warning and back off.  Also the number of jobs where people sit wreak havoc on the hamstrings, calves, and Achilles.  Achilles heal slowly with no regular blood supply.  Painful watching that video.

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  4. I'll guess an average of 5 more plays a game with 2 TE sets. 


    Also don't see the IOL giving league leading protection time despite Kromer. Hoping they're at least average and no injuries to Bates/Saffold. 


    Nice post by OP.

  5. On 5/12/2022 at 10:57 AM, UConn James said:

    Hell yeah.



    The article was kinda vague on what the interior space will be used for, but I imagine there’s going to be a large gambling devoted area similar to what the Pegulas et al have described for our new place.


    Gambling just seems to get butts in seats. I’ve never really understood the allure, an AP stats course hammered it into me that gambling isn’t a great use of money, nor have I ever really had enough money to just 🔥💰 / 💸.

    Gambling does zero for me. Afternoon WGR seems to like it.

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