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Everything posted by Conlan58

  1. Anyone else want to take a shot at this dead horse? It's not going anywhere, so feel free to beat it as much as you want!
  2. Marrone is pissed!
  3. Hopefully knox lol... started him in fantasy as my hail mary this week
  4. Zimmer balled out. Keep him active. The rest... not so much.
  5. Didnt the bills own a big TOP advantage over the titans?
  6. Better? No. On par? I think so. Jacobs is gonna feast unless proper adjustments have been made this week. And waller is better than gesicki, who had a field day with us. So yeah, definitely nervous.
  7. Oaklands offense makes me nervous with the way our D has shown up so far.
  8. No, not really. Anyone that drinks while driving is an idiot. You were trying to downplay what he did because it happened in the south. I'm sure it is common practice, but again - doesn't make the offenders any less of an idiot.
  9. So it makes him less of an idiot because it's down south? "But officer, we are down south." Yeah, ok.
  10. An open beer between his legs? Are you effin kidding me?!
  11. I cannot believe the mocks I am seeing here. Pretty much 100% of mocks I am seeing... if it truly happened draft weekend I would need to see a doctor because it would last for more than 4 hours. Dillon in the 6th on multiple drafts?! No way! Most of these drafts crush the hot spots for needs. Thank you all for taking time to do these - best thread since the last signings!
  12. Melvin Gordon, and it's not even really close. Beane has shown he is more than competent with the cap, so if he signs him, I am confident it won't be detrimental to the team/cap.
  13. Would love to see the Bucs go the Dolphins route and make Evans available for a 2nd or 3rd round pick...
  14. I would think any coach interviewing with the browns would have some discomfort. Awful lot of personalities in one locker room, and not a great track record as a top notch organization to work for. Hell, they only gave Kitchens one year. That alone is enough to be terrified.
  15. Yeet or be Yeeted
  16. Also, a fence is made to keep people out. I get the idea, but I don't want our offense to keep out!
  17. This. Times 100. Between FA and draft... if Duke finds a role... this. Times 100.
  18. I have yet to see a replay zoomed in and slowed down enough to show the ball actually being tipped. Yes the defender made an attempt to block the pass, but I don't see it clearly being tipped. Allen being contacted has nothing to do with whether or not you can call intentional grounding... numerous grounding calls are made every year with defenders draped all over the QB if it is warranted. I refuse to give Daboll or McDermott a pass by directing blame toward the officials in this one.
  19. The return man tossed the ball to the ref... the ref literally had to dodge the ball to be able to make the call that the ball was still live and therefore was a touchdown. We would all be fuming if we were on the other side of that call, regardless of the outcome of the game. The right call was eventually made.
  20. I appreciate you linking this. I thought the way it was explained last night was enough to justify a call in that situation (Ford facing his own end zone). By rule, I can see why it was called. As a Bills fan, I could clearly see Ford making a play to stop a defender in pursuit of Allen from making a play and think it was a play that the refs should have let the players play. I can argue both sides, but I feel the Bills had a prime opportunity to put this game well out of reach numerous times.
  21. Can you really look at that play and tell me the return man didn't give himself up? By rule, all plays stop at the point where the ball carrier gives himself up.
  22. I mean, I guess if you really want to argue semantics, we can. I saw the result of the play get "called" a touchdown rather than touchback, but I guess it could be argued that I had too many Labatts at that point and was seeing things...
  23. I agree - this coaching staff has shown time and again that playing with a lead is a definite weakness.
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