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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. Hilarious! ”she’s only been in office a couple weeks” - Frankish
  2. Could affect me personally, so I don’t like it at all. I will enjoy watching “progressives” gnash their teeth over defense spending cuts.
  3. Is there ever a time that representation matters more than qualification? If so, when?
  4. People must have seen and heard the old geezers with their protest songs and chants. That was enough to turn anyone off.
  5. When it came to butch firefighters in LA you declared “representation matters”. You must have some ground rules for when it does/doesn’t.
  6. Sense, sadly, is something you are born with. Just keep doing what you’re doing. At least there will be some entertainment value associated with it. Just don’t tire yourself out. Having the outrage-meter perpetually dialed to 11 has to be exhausting.
  7. When I saw you put up a new I was wondering if you had breaking news about several hundred more air traffic controllers getting laid off. I guess not.
  8. Yes, that one. It happens frequently. People that overreact to it, as you did, come off looking foolish. Redhawk-ish. Need proof? By the end of that day, there was no market crash and no global economic meltdown. Only you looking like a tool. Your response here is why you are destined to become a Redhawk-like character if you live long enough. Instead of acknowledging the idiocy of your original take a couple Mondays back, you will pretend that it was everyone else that had it wrong. And you won’t even be embarrassed to do so.
  9. A couple weeks ago on a Monday morning you sh*t all over yourself about markets tanking and global economic meltdown. Do you remember? The S&P set a new record high yesterday and is up slightly today. Your reaction a couple weeks back and the “analysis” therein were complete garbage. But at least you had a chance to be hysterical on the Internet. I imagine that counts for something to you.
  10. Yes, exactly the same situation. Really apt comparison and high level thinking.
  11. I was upset by the balloon as any normal, thinking citizen was. It was only those blinded by political party loyalties that brushed it off as “nothing to see here” Truly a bizarre position to take. Not as bizarre as pretending to know how spy balloons deflated, but bizarre nonetheless. Your posts in that thread were rather embarrassing. I can’t imagine being willing to play the dunce simply because a democrat was in charge but it’s what you, Tibs, and Redhawk do.
  12. You operate on emotion and overreaction. It’s what led to your ridiculous posts relative to Venezuelan gangs in Colorado, and your idiot post yesterday about some weirdo troll dying in a hotel in Mexico. That’s just a sampling. You are willing to judge a process after the first few steps. I am not.
  13. So long as you’re convinced that you’re right that’s all that matters. Let’s revisit when the results come in. Last year‘s results for you sucked a big one. Truly awful.
  14. You were 0-for-2024. I’ve yet to see improvement in ‘25. Keep throwing sh*t at the wall though. You will get one right eventually. The only person with a longer losing streak than you is Redhawk. That’s not good. For him.
  15. Susan Collins? The one you went to school with? Good on her and the other two for speaking their minds. Hopefully the bloodletting ends soon.
  16. That you can watch the ancient politicians from both sides responsible for these institutions lie to the cameras daily and become increasingly unhinged in public, all the while becoming incredibly wealthy on a government salary, and still billieve is something. Run-on sentence alert.
  17. But I know a fringe kook when one presents itself. That’s not an achievement. Everyone does. Carry on. To paraphrase Lron, nedboi, and csection, I’ve got bank. I’ll be fine. Hang in there and pace yourself with the sauce.
  18. No. I was just having fun at your expense. You make it easy to do.
  19. Looks like I was wrong about you laying off the sauce. Just so you don’t get overly confused before getting completely sh*t faced for the day, here is the misused capitalization to which I was referring: no need to come up with an idiotic explanation as you attempted already. It’s just part of your struggle with the language. No harm, no foul.
  20. Roundy is a fringe kook so it’s very thoughtful of you to stand up for him. You have completed your act of kindness for today. Also - congrats on finally logging a post with no spelling errors and only one misplaced capitalization. Looks like you have not started hitting the sauce yet this morning. Kudos.
  21. Nice work! And I thought 4th&long was a dimwit
  22. More than three or four weeks. Get back to me in 6-12 months. I will be glad to crucify those that have failed. You are free to spend the interim whining all day long. Surprised it doesn’t get tiresome for you. It surely does for your audience. Rage on, youngster!
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