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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. This thread has no juice. Maybe if the thread title had some well-placed all caps. Think “Trump the NAZI”.
  2. If we learned nothing else from the dissembling antisemite plagiarist at Harvard it’s that it’s important to cite your “multiple sources on both sides”. Otherwise it sounds like another round of bullsh*t from you.
  3. The COUP foiled only by everyone going home for dinner. USA! USA!
  4. Austin should be fired yesterday. If Biden has even one nut he will make it happen.
  5. You are very welcome. You seem to be very unfamiliar with our southern border. Glad I could help.
  6. They do. It’s all of 140 miles long. Perhaps a picture will help you understand the situation though it’s doubtful. If you look at this map and consider what part of Mexico borders California and then further consider that part of Mexico is completely surrounded by water, do you get an idea of why there’s less of a problem than in the states of Arizona and Texas? They are located to the right of California in the picture. Below those states you will see the country of Mexico. Below Mexico are many other Latin countries sending us immigrants. They would probably like Baja and Chula Vista but it’s a little too far to walk don’t you think? 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽🤦🏽‍♀️
  7. You are willfully blind and happy to be so because of politics. There are many like you. Glad Fetterman is not one and hopefully he can make enough noise to wake some people up.
  8. So when Fetterman says “there’s a crisis at the border and I don’t know how anyone could pretend that there isn’t” (his exact words) do you think he’s talking out his ear? It seems like he’s talking about people like you.
  9. Do you think it might be partially due to California having 140 miles of border with Mexico vs the 1241 miles Texas has? Maybe? Or is it just the awesomeness of California governance and welcoming citizens?
  10. As an “independent” what attracts you to far left podcasts?
  11. Lurch deserves credit for speaking his mind. I will disagree with him more than I agree but he has earned respect. Ditch the hoodies, big guy.
  12. Partial from the link - The results should be taken with caution as it is a statistical analysis. One limitation of the study was that in France, Turkey, and Belgium, in particular, data concerning exposure to the drug was scarce.
  13. Almost nobody dying from COVID? Redhawk has a sad.
  14. You would think Dasha Burns would play that back and be humiliated at her own conduct. Unfortunately she’s some sort of Karen/redhawk hybrid and is incapable of embarrassment. As a kind and thoughtful person, I will be embarrassed for her.
  15. Since virtually everyone alive other than Tiberius sees the current situation as a problem, it should be very easy for the democrats and their big media allies to paint republicans as the baddies if they reject a compromise that actually addresses the problem. Right? Seems like a win-win for democrats. I will wait patiently for their plan that actually addresses the problem.
  16. L Ron Einstein has already stated “wtf cares” on this matter. It would be nice if Dr Swain would stop whining about having her work stolen so that we can finally get back to discussing TRUMP.
  17. CBS radio news at 8 AM this morning regarding the Epstein list - “ there’s likely a lot of innocent people on the list. Employees and people that may have just had dinner”. That was the whole report.
  18. You undoubtedly were hoping for some sort of gotcha. Sadly… https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/31/investing/bud-light-anheuser-busch-earnings/index.html Unless, of course, you have data showing something else. FYI - CNN would typically lean in on DEI and away from the awful people that took their beer business to other brands.
  19. I thought you jumped the shark with your “everyone’s talking about sex because gay people exist” and “human trafficking across state lines” routines. This is magnificent!
  20. Unless it happens over a period of many years and can be considered spillage that low level staffers are mostly responsible for. Was that an attempt at parody? If not, maybe we can revisit some of your earlier posts on the topic. Good heavens.
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