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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. I was one of two people that agreed with you, the other being the disingenuous Redhawk. He also agreed with Roundy’s most recent post trying to justify his stance that murder of ICE agents is acceptable. He also recently declared the pope agreed with him on the matter. Sick. Part of your thing here is to take ridiculous positions in defense of the reliable mainstream media and democrat politicians. Part of mine is to keep flogging certain ridiculous positions - think “mentally fit”, Susan Collins, and now “very pleased” to see some ICE agents offed.
  2. Believing, rightfully, that the idea of murder being celebrated by some that wear their Catholicism on their sleeves is repugnant, now qualifies as a weird obsession. Crazy times.
  3. I see some of your fellow lefty Catholics approve of your response regarding the murder of ICE agents. Sick. @The Frankish Reich thoughts?
  4. Anything in the gospel about being very pleased at the idea of ICE agents being murdered? I don’t think that is part of Christ’s teachings.
  5. Slow time of the year for urban planners? Citizens are not getting enough value out of you.
  6. Reserving judgment until Tiberius/4th/Roundy/Redhawk weigh in.
  7. It’s complicated isn’t it? One very left-leaning poster here that likes to frequently remind people of his/her/their Catholicism, actually stated he/she/they would be “very pleased” with the murder of ICE agents. None of the other lefties here that have advertised their Christianity, and there are a small handful, were bothered enough to say anything. Go figure.
  8. See that little NBC NEWS NOW thing in the bottom right corner? It’s a streaming platform. Quite far removed from NBC Nightly News. Maybe pay more attention to detail before shooting off your mouth.
  9. This is Roundy’s list from last week. He was certainly not providing value to the citizens during working hours. In fairness, he may have been settling on another house.
  10. “Joy Reid’s viewer”…
  11. It’s always good when a racist homophobe gets what’s coming to them. Do you disagree?
  12. Put it in the nazi thread. Your comments on the murders of the Israeli children can go in the random thread.
  13. Very sad. She seems like a nice lady.
  14. No thank you. You don’t post in that thread. It’s why you can’t comment on the murder of the children. Remember? Weird because you don’t mind babbling endlessly about supposed Nazi salutes - thereby proving my point that PPP reflects exactly the point made by Insurr Babs. All part of your moral superiority I guess.
  15. No, kid. I shared this tweet in a thread dedicated to the media sucking: I added a comment that this is also true at PPP. You have proven it true repeatedly. Now you are trying to turn it into something about frothing at the mouth because you dislike the source of the tweet. If you find any of this to be untrue, just say which part. That should be easy, right?
  16. You are determined to avoid a straight answer to a simple question. I understand why and also understand how pathetically weak that is.
  17. Regarding your own commentary - how many Musk/nazi posts have you created? How many comments on the murder of the infants? What is your reasoning for the discrepancy?
  18. Not a word has been spoken on national newscasts of the major networks regarding the background of the cult. It’s ok if you want to pretend otherwise.
  19. What’s the fallacy part? Regarding your own commentary - how many Musk/nazi posts have you created? How many comments on the murder of the infants?
  20. One more try - why have other reliable mainstream media outlets stayed away? Surely you can think of a reason.
  21. A minimum of 12% of CPAC attendees are officially insane.
  22. That it’s your belief information on what the networks cover, in the age of the internet, is available only by watching the networks is…quaint? Good lord. Anyway, thanks for highlighting the WSJ coverage of this story that broke three weeks ago. Glad you finally caught wind of it.
  23. If I were to tell you that the evening news on the major networks have committed not a second to the story, what do you think their reason for ignoring it is?
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