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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. Gosh. To think it was just a few short days ago you were scolding me for my attitude.
  2. Musk bad. Only official government employees can be trusted with access to your personal IRS information.
  3. https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/education/476391-biden-tells-coal-miners-to-learn-to-code/ For sure!
  4. The politico article means nothing. The reporters happily went along with it. How about this lie from the article you linked? “We do not have specific questions in advance. That’s not something that we do,” she said. She being KJP.
  5. None of the people with ethics training raised the issue of why they had to pre-submit questions at a Biden press conference. They just unquestioningly went along with it. Ethics in action!
  6. Really solid effort. Thank you. By the accepted definition of senile it’s clear the word is an apt description of Biden. Hence the excitement from Tapper. It’s ok for you to pretend otherwise of course.
  7. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/senile Do you mind explaining the difference?
  8. The only way I will have any confidence that republicans hold congress is if you say they won’t. As a political observer you have a reverse midas touch. It’s really something.
  9. Deep thoughts from nedboi - not. If the insufferable T Friedman is going to the trouble of writing such bilge you should at least give him credit.
  10. Someone your age with your issues should not delay.The sooner the better.
  11. You’re the one that talks out his ass and tries to blame someone else for it. Weird stuff.
  12. “I confused the gold medal winning boxer with the Paralympic runner but it’s your fault”. -you such a loser
  13. Really easy to mix those two up. Now I understand why you went with: “when you guys shrieked about the transgender boxer and then slunk back to your holes when she got rocked in the quarterfinals”. how embarrassing
  14. Reading is fundamental. He’s not criticizing it. He’s making an observation. He criticizing pinheads like you for your Putin obsession.
  15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imane_Khelif Own goal. Your oh-fer streak remains intact. Gold medal, dumbass. Wouldn't it be better to know what you’re talking about before posting something so simple minded?
  16. Greenwald looks to have this right as he very accurately describes Redhawk/4th/tibs/homolander (yes, I know that’s sophomoric and not clever in the least. Nevertheless). He likely knows homoerotic imagery when he sees it.
  17. I’m shocked that you dodged the question. Tell us how it’s about skills in the case of any generic guy that wants to be a woman sucking against guys and winning against women. There are many examples as you well know.
  18. How is playing/not playing sports against people of the opposite gender a restriction on liberties? It’s a simple matter of fairness. regarding your imbecilic “skill issue” claim - why was Leah Thomas an also-ran as a man swimming against men and a champion as a man swimming against women? Your ideology is dying around the world. Being louder than the other side does nothing to change that.
  19. What specifically are “trans rights”? Does it include the right for trans people like yourself to impose their wants/desires/beliefs on others? Thankfully people like you are few in number and being marginalized, around the world, more and more each day. Childish
  20. Not a good thread. A GREAT thread. Thank you!
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