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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. No doubt. Overwrought hyperbole is what you do. See the title of this thread for proof.
  2. That’s the spirit! You’ve got this! Only 46.5 months to go.
  3. The time for that was 11/5/24. Epic failure. You seem angrier by the day. Try to remember that you don’t care and that you are just laughing every day. That part is not shining through. Hang in there buddy!
  4. The 5% being let go are undoubtedly all critical technical staff. The remaining 95% will have to run with the ball. There will be zero instances this year where someone utters “if only we had more weather experts”.
  5. Agreed. The coaches do not have the benefit of billions of dollars of space technology to assist them. The shat upon government employees will need to work smarter, not harder and do more with less. Kind of like the private sector is generally required to do. That is undoubtedly lost on a government employee that spent a good chunk of his/her/their last two weeks on the internet. There has never been an instance where someone declared “if only we had more NOAA employees, this never would have happened”.
  6. Based on this thread I move that Just Jack change his name to Simple Jack.
  7. Has someone suggested that a 5% cut results in only one person available per task? That’s not a specious argument, it’s a dumb one. How many is the right number of employees? Just more? I guess if the Bills and Sabres just had more coaches they could get over their shortcomings. Can’t believe they haven’t thought of that.
  8. Can someone say why the guy Tapper is quoting is wrong?
  9. Not more people. The right people. Has nothing to do with quantity. I strongly suspect the agencies tasked with weather forecasting and research will survive the horrific 5% purge and life will go on exactly as it has.
  10. Right. If only there were more weather experts employed by the US government the devastation and death wrought by an absolutely freak tornado could have been abated. We just needed more scientists 35 years ago. Give me one data point that shows more scientists could have developed a better system. More does not mean better.
  11. Some pinhead down the road from me flew an upside down flag throughout the Biden years. Impossible to respect someone that extreme.
  12. Based on your wording I would forget the almost and just go with identical!
  13. Has there been a single weather-related calamity that could have been avoided or lessened if only we had enough people working for the National Weather Service? Rhetorical question.
  14. The same 60% probably saying “but our allies” on repeat.
  15. Yeah. He really shrank speaking to the Europeans a few days back. Great analysis. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻
  16. Frankish and Roundy - everything under the sun 4th and Redhawk - none
  17. Generally an argument with you is easily won simply by highlighting your own words. You make yourself look like a dipsh*t daily with your lying and your inaccurate claims. This week’s highlight has to be you confusing a Paralympic runner for an Olympic gold medal winning boxer (that you claimed was eliminated in the quarterfinals). If your manager was aware of your internet activity over the last two weeks would there be blowback? Maybe it’s a government employee like you, that is clearly not providing value, that makes people think negatively about the output of a typical government employee.
  18. “Critics say”. How many employees are needed at NWS? Anyone can repeat the claim over and over. Got data?
  19. There aren’t many people out there that, to quote you, BUT WHAT ABOUT BUT WHAT ABOUT BUT WHAT ABOUT on behalf of Epstein. Nobody can take that away from you. Nobody would want to. Nice work.
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