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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. This is where it’s generally advised to take a wait and see approach though I know that you prefer knee-jerk reactions. Perhaps the 10k Mexican troops will have a positive impact. Perhaps not. Perhaps trade parameters will be reworked in a way favorable to the US. Perhaps not. Time will tell. You imagine that you have the answers already. One reason why you have been wrong about EVERYTHING. Seriously, your track record sucks balls.
  2. Can you describe the unconstitutional part of the effort to root out fraud and waste? Seems like you are just running on feelings here.
  3. You have gone from being upset at a global economic disaster to being upset that there is no global economic disaster. Isn’t it tiring?
  4. Just for consistency sake - were you upset when John Kerry and his replacement John Podesta were appointed climate envoy without going through a confirmation process? Rooting out fraud and waste is good. Try to make peace with it.
  5. Awesome thread title. I miss Billstime though Roundy is doing his/her best to fill the void.
  6. No gotcha involved. You make yourself look like a fool with the nonstop knee jerk emotions. I’m just helping amplify your message. I think maggot is mild for someone that roots for murder and tells children it’s ok to chop up their bodies. If that’s what seething is, count me in.
  7. When it’s all said and done the lefties will hate Vance far more than they hate Trump. He’s a killer. “Not to mention that he did it with a couch! Stay with me while I explain why that is funny” - Frankish
  8. What point are you making with your first statement? Yes, seeeeething.
  9. Define “tanks” so that we know what you are agitated about as this goes on. The Dow is down a whopping 90 points as I type. My experience tells me it will finish either higher or lower than that. Tank? Probably not. Why do you do this to yourself? Can you believe the market performance Biden vs Trump 1.0? Wild isn’t it?
  10. Something about the art of a deal or similar. You’re doing great!
  11. To quote you from an hour ago - “not a response”. I will share anyway. Gives you something to chew on: https://www.axios.com/2025/01/19/biden-trump-stock-market-gains President Biden will leave office having presided over a very strong stock market, but not quite as strong as either of his two predecessors. The big picture: The S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, and Nasdaq Composite all gained more during Trump's first term than during Biden's. By the numbers: The S&P 500 gained 66.5% under Trump and 57.9% under Biden. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 56.8% under Trump and 40.2% under Biden. The Nasdaq composite gained a whopping 137.5% under Trump, and 47.1% under Biden. FASCINATING!!
  12. The markets will probably never recover. Since we are talking about markets, did you see the comparison of market performance for Biden and Trump 1.0? Thoughts? If you haven’t seen it, I’ll be happy to share.
  13. I know it’s lost on you but my heart goes out to what people like you label as “transgender kids”. My problem lies with maggots like you. Someone that repeatedly tells us about their catholic morality only to, outside the other side of your mouth, tell kids that God made a mistake with them and they should irreversibly alter their bodies and lives. You are the problem. Not these poor kids that you and your sort are misleading.
  14. Thank you! It’s only the “progressives” here that come off as sane, sober, and rational. Just see Roundy, Tibs, Redhawk, and 4th&d0ng for proof. good god
  15. You’re confused. In the early 80s democrats were not concerned with things like pronouns, supporting the permanent mutilation of children, equity in place of equality, or border disasters. Nor were they promoting censorship (unless you include Al Gore’s wife). Those are all part of your party today. It’s why Donald Trump is in charge.
  16. Ask him how he feels about the murder of ICE employees. You know, the thing that you will be “very pleased” about.
  17. Eggs! Tariffs! FLAG CODE!!
  18. Is it ok if I hang onto this? Seems like it could be useful.
  19. Again with the “intelligence”. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻
  20. Maybe you should ease up on the emotional responses like “it’s way more effective” or “they’re an economic think tank” when you actually have no clue about a particular subject. You will have less spinning to do. Trump wasn’t hiding Musk’s task during the campaign. The opposite in fact. The majority of American voters were on board. Seems odd that people like you aren’t interested in rooting out waste and fraud.
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