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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1989-12-05-mn-198-story.html The previously secret diary of writer and social critic H. L. Mencken discloses virulent anti-Semitism, racism and pro-Nazi leanings, shocking even the sympathetic Mencken scholar who edited it. Adoringly quoting a Jew-hating, racist, Nazi. Nobody saw that coming. Also, when he was on he was on.
  2. Six weeks is plenty of time to make a final judgement. PANIC!!
  3. The world needs fewer farmers and more urban planners that spend their work day playing on the internet. Something we can all agree on.
  4. Is it ok if we ignore any diagnosis you might have? You don’t seem very good at doctor-ing.
  5. If you can show a single instance of me “battering Ukraine” I will be entertain the question. Don’t spend a lot of time looking for it. It’s just your childish way showing through. There ya go. Are you upset that Starmer and Macron are talking peace plan?
  6. This person should absolutely be catered to. Transwomen are women I’ve been told. Cope and seethe.
  7. Who knew Jake Tapper was a RUSSIAN ASSET? Spreading Putin’s propaganda! I do. I want all the killing on both sides stopped. That happening will likely result in Ukraine giving up some land. Despite what childish weirdos like you think, nobody is pleased with that. You may resume calling everyone you disagree with a Russian.
  8. You must have been livid as you aggregated those tweets. Good on you for powering through.
  9. I know you are upset and I have no problem with you getting off on watching Ukraine treat their citizens this way, but you are truly a weirdo. Basically a more malignant version of Tiberius - the biggest whack job the board has ever seen. Yikes. RUSSIA!!
  10. What duties go undone? Any real world examples of consequences of these duties going undone?
  11. lol can you believe democrats sh*t the bed so badly as to lose to Trump TWICE? And now we have no more elections! good heavens
  12. He/she/they comes off as a hybrid billstime/tibs. That’s not good.
  13. And you choose to express your opinion like an overwrought schoolgirl. No big deal. It’s your right and you have plenty of company here. It’s just lame.
  14. Sorry about the use of rage. Allow me to re-word - upset enough to do something other than whine on a message board?
  15. Upset enough to do something other than rage on a message board?
  16. I don’t know if anyone has the answer to your last question as of yet. In the absence of a negotiated peace, is your position that the US should supply weapons and money in perpetuity?
  17. You seem upset. So much so that your post is incomprehensible. Oh well.
  18. If one has supported Ukraine up to this point (a lot of good it does for the people of Ukraine when Average Joe American declares his/her/their support), are they required to support it in perpetuity? Can the longtime supporter step back, recognize Ukraine cannot win, and now prefer a negotiated peace? Is that ok?
  19. I’m just glad a sane, sober, rational lefty has finally arrived. Good god. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻🤦🏻‍♀️
  20. Possibly your finest post yet. Witty, yet packs a punch. More please.
  21. The war started three years ago and “they’re working on it” is an acceptable response? Why have our European allies been so willing to have us shoulder the load for three years? As allies, shouldn’t they have done more to help?
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