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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. The articles have already been written. This is considered the white supremacy of POC voters. Yes, it’s as lame as it sounds but there people that want you to believe it.
  2. I support all Jews. You are fine with Democrat politicians singling them out. Sad.
  3. Your guys singled out Jews. That’s just wrong. I’m sorry to see that you are ok with it. To each his own I guess but that falls under the hate column.
  4. Chef Boyardee prices will remain the same.
  5. The dems used to consider Slick Willie to be their “closer”. Nowhere to be found in ‘22. Epstein connection anyone? They were pretty tight.
  6. Does everyone remember when Diblasio and Cuomo were blaming Covid spread on the jews? There’s plenty of good info out there if anyone wants to jog their memory. I think both of those guys, aside from being granny killers, are democrats. https://www.businessinsider.com/de-blasio-tweet-jewish-community-coronavirus-social-distancing-rules-2020-4
  7. You seem especially triggered today. Don’t worry about today/tonight. This is all going to rebound on “the cult” in ‘24. Maybe ‘26. Definitely by ‘28. Hang in there!
  8. TOO?? And here I thought you were completely humorless! That’s open mic material.
  9. RIP DEMOCRACY!!! I was hoping to enjoy one last Bills win before fascism reigned but it just wasn’t to be. Brandon does have a pen and a cellphone however so maybe not all is as awful as it seems. Doubtful he knows how to use either of them but still.
  10. https://m.lasvegassun.com/news/2022/sep/18/conservative-pacs-ads-seek-to-make-governors-race/ I saw one of these billboards today and was wondering what kind of dumbass would intentionally tie himself to Biden as an election strategy. Obviously no one would do that to themselves. Hilarious. For a particular campaign sign that has popped up across Las Vegas as the midterm elections draw near, the message couldn’t be more clear. At face value, anyway. It shows President Joe Biden and Gov. Steve Sisolak side-by-side in a chummy fashion, proclaiming them the “Democrat Dream Team for Nevada.” The catch: It’s not an ad that’s paid for by the Sisolak campaign. Rather, the ad comes from Better Nevada, a conservative political action committee advocating for Clark County Sheriff Lombardo, the Republican attempting to unseat Sisolak for the state’s highest elective office.
  11. Is this the same Rick Wilson? Pretty sure it is. Quite the loser.
  12. Warner Brothers. Noted conservatives. Dash should probably study up a little. He doesn’t seem very bright.
  13. One of the longest serving democrats. If I’m not mistaken, Brandon delivered his eulogy. https://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/Op-Ed/2010/07/07/Byrd-s-racist-past-should-not-be-downplayed/stories/201007070270 ”The late senator’s anti-black views were deep and long-lasting, not simply a youthful indiscretion.”
  14. Silence yourself, PISSANTS!!
  15. Here’s someone that knows more about racism than most.
  16. It’s huge! Democracy itself is over tomorrow! Right after people across the land peacefully cast their vote. Let’s just hope they hydrate first. Not allowed to have water when voting. Because of racism and all. I just hope the part about stealing and killing our kids is wrong. That would be bad even for republicans.
  17. Just trying to help. This is the guy you are holding up as a voice of reason. Nice job.
  18. You try so hard. I just find it interesting that you are so ready to say f.u. by declaring BUYERS REMORSE to those that determine they’ve made a decision they are unhappy with. You seem to be so thoughtful and compassionate otherwise.
  19. You will be happy to leave them alone if they ever have second thoughts because of, you know, BUYERS REMORSE.
  20. Which words? BUYERS REMORSE? Nice work.
  21. I think she’s hot right up until she spouts this sort of dumbassery.
  22. Go Brandon go. Away. https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/07/politics/democrats-nightmare-scenario-election-eve-analysis/index.html “Biden faces a dark political environment because of the 40-year-high in the cost of living – and his hopes of a swift rebound next year are clouded by growing fears of a recession.”
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