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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. https://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/analysis/preston/bs-sp-preston-ravens-lamar-jackson-time-to-part-ways-20230116-lsc3onxvybadfjldn6p3r36noq-story.html Probably inaccessible but it’s the main football writer from The Baltimore Sun. Headline says it all from his view.
  2. Redstate wants to be jojofromjerz, muellershewrote, or brooklyndaddefiant when it grows up. idiot
  3. No. I’m usually the dumbest person in the room and he/she/they help me to feel a little better about myself.
  4. I know that you don’t know what a non sequitur is by definition but you might want to consider looking it up. You’re quite adept with them.
  5. Joe pulls a Trump. Journalists hardest hit. Prayers up for these non-partisan truth seekers.
  6. Perhaps, but what the op states well-precedes the Hamlin event.
  7. Can you provide any examples of how they target players of faith? This would imply they exclude others. Any examples? Or is it just because the owner and coach aren’t bashful in speaking on matters of faith?
  8. Since a small handful will say Clay Travis is an anti-Joe delta bravo, let’s check in on what the Paper of Record (dem cheerleader in chief) is reporting :
  9. You commented about addicts stealing from their parents. In this conversation, the natural segue is to the president’s troubled son. Not sure why you are heading into whataboutism. Whatever suits you. At least you linked to CultMTL, unlike your earlier efforts cribbing from WIKIPEDIA.
  10. Cultmtl - awesome find!! I will bookmark that site. Many thanks. no opinion whatsoever. The facts are clear about The First Son.
  11. Doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility. Is he an addict?
  12. But as Joe said yesterday - everyone knows how serious he is about classified documents. Nothing to see here.
  13. I wonder if Hunter sold any of the classified docs Joe had laying about. That’s probably not possible. Right?
  14. There’s a reason you didn’t provide a link here. It’s because your source rhymes with Dikipedia. We know how accurate that is. Nice work! 🤦
  15. Eagerly waiting for one of the resident “progressives” to run with the “they were planted” ball.
  16. This post is so feeble that it should be named and used for comparison purposes in the future. “hey, did you see the latest idiotic post from Billstime?” “Yeah, he Tiberius’d the hell out of that one”.
  17. You might be right. With the lack of transparency I guess we’ll never know for sure. https://nypost.com/2022/01/18/psaki-defends-non-release-of-biden-delaware-visitor-logs/ That’s different!!
  18. Why the mystery about the second location? My bet it was either Joe’s house or vacation home. Maybe even the crack addicts place. Have to keep it a mystery as long as possible. Might constitute what they call a “bad look”.
  19. A stapler or monitor might be government property. Not the same as secret/top secret/SCI documents. Let’s not minimize what’s taking place.
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