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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. I can assure you that will not happen. Cannot happen. A literal impossibility.
  2. Why is liberal “humor” so incredibly lame? This could easily have been posted by frankish, Redhawk, roundy, or Lron. Granted, 4th or Tibs could not have put this together. Funny? Clever? Edgy? Interesting? No.
  3. She’s talking directly to roundy and billstime, may he/she/they rest in peace.
  4. You seem upset. You’ve got bank and will be fine. I guess it’s your caring nature. You claiming foreign policy was an incredible Biden success is akin to Frankish, post-debate, declaring the guy to be mentally fit for the presidency. Laughable and deranged. 205.5 weeks to go. Stay strong.
  5. Apologies in advance to Frankish as I am only relating what I heard on the CBS Radio News at 6pm tonight. He didn’t like it the last time I did this. Newscaster describes USAID as a humanitarian aid agency and then goes to a sound bite from a Georgetown prof who says with drama in his voice, “USAID buys commodities to distribute around the world. Things like AIDS medicines for Africa and like buying food from American farmers and sending it around the world”. That was the entire “news” bit.
  6. Good post. Rational and well thought out. Thank you. You should tell everyone you know, repeatedly, about the Joe Biden foreign policy master class. He’s not getting enough credit for it.
  7. Is this the same time he said it or a different time? Either way…
  8. Wow! That’s really something! Thanks for sharing, buddy!
  9. Or we can all go on experience, apply the orange BS filter, and understand this is nothing more than him being a gasbag. It hardly amounts to a “plan”. Not trying to discourage anyone prone to hysteria from overreacting.
  10. Just look at this! So much hate!!
  11. You seem like maybe you are disappointed that in the light of a new day people are becoming aware of what USAID is about. How come? (cut and paste from earlier).
  12. It’s not destroying. It’s fundamentally transforming. 🇺🇸 Do you take exception to something in the post you replied to? Happy to discuss if so.
  13. If you can show me “destroying the government” I might be inclined to comment. You can’t, so I won’t. It’s just more overwrought nonsense from you and your sort. Let me add that rooting out fraud and waste is good. Seems like many on your side disagree.
  14. Thanks for sharing from the 2012-2017 archives. Virtually nothing has changed since then. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻 What’s the latest on the ground in SA? USAID getting good value for their money?
  15. Maybe they can just get him some of those Biden shoes and have an entourage surround him. It worked for Joe. If that’s not enough let’s bring on the Feinstein treatment.
  16. Your why it’s ok argument has been reduced to “but LCS”. Brilliant. Can you spare us further whining about whataboutism?
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