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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. I remember when you were accusing people of believing in conspiracies relative to Venezuelan gangs. You were all in on that weren’t you? Sadly, you couldn’t have been more wrong and it makes the statement I have quoted above look like absolute horsesh*t. Carry on.
  2. Even with them being incredibly easy questions, I didn’t expect an answer. Thank you for not disappointing.
  3. Really good post! I’ve been hearing recently about an organization called USAIDS or something like that. They sound like they could be a little shady but there’s a group of computer nerds trying to shine some light on them.If you have some spare time look into some of the news stories out there right now. A good place to start looking might be politico.com. They are on top of the story.
  4. Some questions: 1. Do you believe the fortunes of politico pro and politico are tied together? 2. in terms of bias, which way does politico lean? 3. Why do you think politico was first on the story of the bogus Russian disinfo laptop scheme? Because of their reputation for investigative journalism? 4. Do you see any connection in any of the above or is it all just happenstance? earlier today, you painted yourself as a big picture guy. Please look at the big picture here.
  5. Please give us your view of the American electorate. Maybe start with those currently on the outs.
  6. Do not, under any circumstances, look within. You’ve definitely got the high ground. Just keep doing what you’re doing.
  7. Cox was allowed to use the girl’s locker room at Washington Liberty High School because Arlington Public Schools allows people to use school bathrooms and locker rooms based on gender identity, not biological sex, and Cox told pool staff he identified as transgender. “transgender women are women - cope and seethe” - Roundy when he’s not busy closing on an imaginary house.
  8. Which parts is he running? I want to be able to track his progress. You should put your guy Chuck S on loop with “WE WILL WIN” and not fret too much. Good chance he will be leading the senate 2 years from now - at the age of 76.
  9. Did you ever imagine getting yourself to the point where you are standing in support of government waste/fraud/inefficiency? Wild.
  10. You are all about the big picture! With such an all-encompassing view, I would expect you to be right about something on occasion. As it is, you are on the fringe. Barely. Fingers crossed that you get one right before long.
  11. From his posts what makes you think he is well? Not seeing it.
  12. “Hope you’ll watch”. LOL indeed. Can you imagine the sort of individual that tunes in to watch Adam Schiff? Good heavens. A Redhawk type I imagine. Roundy will pretend that he watched.
  13. To hell with mild concern, it’s time to PANIC! It’s almost as scary as the invasion of Canada saber-rattling. Having observed the guy in action for a good while now, I believe it all to be gasbaggery. He’s quite prolific in that area. Unlike the typical “progressive” that frequents the board, I will readily admit I was wrong if something comes of it.
  14. I can assure you that will not happen. Cannot happen. A literal impossibility.
  15. Why is liberal “humor” so incredibly lame? This could easily have been posted by frankish, Redhawk, roundy, or Lron. Granted, 4th or Tibs could not have put this together. Funny? Clever? Edgy? Interesting? No.
  16. She’s talking directly to roundy and billstime, may he/she/they rest in peace.
  17. You seem upset. You’ve got bank and will be fine. I guess it’s your caring nature. You claiming foreign policy was an incredible Biden success is akin to Frankish, post-debate, declaring the guy to be mentally fit for the presidency. Laughable and deranged. 205.5 weeks to go. Stay strong.
  18. Apologies in advance to Frankish as I am only relating what I heard on the CBS Radio News at 6pm tonight. He didn’t like it the last time I did this. Newscaster describes USAID as a humanitarian aid agency and then goes to a sound bite from a Georgetown prof who says with drama in his voice, “USAID buys commodities to distribute around the world. Things like AIDS medicines for Africa and like buying food from American farmers and sending it around the world”. That was the entire “news” bit.
  19. Good post. Rational and well thought out. Thank you. You should tell everyone you know, repeatedly, about the Joe Biden foreign policy master class. He’s not getting enough credit for it.
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